•chapter 1•

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Main characters^^^^^^^

" You will be going to a small town in L.A and will attend school too seem like a normal teenage girl,you will find out who is behind all those murders and crimes but all we have a bout the killer is that he goes to the high school near the town. Matt will accompany you in this mission and will also help with anything you need including research , vehicles and ect." Great im going to school and see these horny teenagers kissing eachother (notice the sarcasm) i mentally groan but keep my cold glare at matt.

Well i guess your wondering who i am soo let me get started. My name is christina smith also known in the agency as Agent smith. im 17 years old and im in the fbi. yeah i know im so young shocking, i became an agent when i was 13 since my parents are in the fbi as well-

"Agent smith?" sh*t i zoned out again " yes? " i said "Any questions you have ask matt he will fill you out with anything else" My Boss Agent 007 said.
i know you might think its a weird name. Few people in the Agency know his real name " yes sir " i said " You may go pack your belongings your leaving right now" i start to leave with matt and since were gonna have our black cards to buy anything i just take somethings from my office.
(Black cards: provided to agents as there mission rank goes up )

" You gonna pack anything ?" i asked Matt " Nah i packed everything i need already its in the jet already" matt said " oh ok " was all i said until silence filled the elevator.

We went to the roof of a Hotel ( the agency is under a hotel in London since its secret) " Wheres the jet? " i asked confused " Its about to get here in a few " Matt said " How do you even kn-..." I am cut off by the blaring sound of a landing jets engine. " you know what for get it im not even gonna bother asking. He just looks at me and laughs at my reaction i just roll my eyes and get in the jet.

While in the jet i took my time to start reading about my fake identity while im in L.A " So.......your the one and only Agent smith" Matt said breaking the silence.
ugh i knew it was  too good to be true he just had to speak, everyone in the Agency wants to go on missions with me but only few get that just Because im the youngest agent and the best Agent.
" Yeah its me , just don't be like my last partner oh i will personally make sure to break your arms and stitch your lips together" i said with a glare. Even tho he's too cute to be computer boy there must be a catch to why he's coming on this mission with me. " *laughs * I wont Besides jack already told everyone in the Agency his experience in the mission with you" Matt said

" I swear you guys need to stop im not a big deal " I said  annoyed already, yes i have zero patience
" Smith really... so completing the biggest mission anyone has ever done and with your father at that isnt a big Deal !??! " He said half screamed
" Yes its not  a big deal but looks like i wont need to punch you like my last partner " i say while trying to hold a smile " *chuckles* well you and your father made history and no problem im gonna try hard not to get punched by you" he said still laughing. i just roll my eyes and close my eyes untill we got to L.A
     " Hey smith?" i hear matt say " yes? " i say with my eyes still closed but with a serious tone " Why don't you ever smile like your always smirking or you just give death glares ? " He's so nosy wtf Because i don't like to smile you nosy little boy...i like calling the guys in the  Agency little their face expressions kill me .

" personal matters les not get to that right now can we" i say with a fake smile

" common smith " he says but i stayed silent and ignored him " ugh fine, but imma get it out of you sooner or later watch" was the last thing he said before the jet landed.

     When we got out i saw two matte black cars "Well as you can see we have our own cars but we can change them if we want " Matt said while looking at something through his iPhone 11 Pro Max.
   i tried using my ' i dont care ' voice so he wont notive im actually excited about this " umm ok but you know thats not gonna work for me i need two cars" i say    "sure" was all he said then we got in our cars and started going to the place we will be staying in.

     *****Time skipped********
we got to the place we are staying in and its actually pretty nice. matt was pretty shocked to see a mansion this big but not me in tired of seeing places like this we parked our cars  there where alot of other cars parked passed the gates but i just ignored them for now we went inside to get settled in

 matt was pretty shocked to see a mansion this big but not me in tired of seeing places like this we parked our cars  there where alot of other cars parked passed the gates but i just ignored them for now we went inside to get settled in

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While matt stayed downs stairs speech less about the mansion i went to get a room for myself
" Hey matt stop drooling over the mansion and start getting the computers out!!!" i said while laughing and throwing napkins for him. " from above the stairs
"i was not drooling i was just letting air go in my mouth" he said proudly... i just burst out laughing " well umm i just came to tell you that and that im going to the mall be back in a few" I said
" wait i got you the keys" He tossed me 2 keys "umm matt?" I looked at him weirdly "why did you give me 2 keys i only asked for one extra car" i said confused.
He blushed alittle " well uh you see when we went to your office to get your weapons i saw all the motor cycle posters you had soo i got you a motor cycle" he said
"To be honest I'm a little speech less " i said which made Matt smirk " you know what i take it back " i say glaring at him



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