Chapter 3

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Xandra's POV:

I dragged my trunk out of the house, cursing as I dropped it in a puddle.

"Ah fuck" I muttered as I picked it up and put it in the back of the car. I went to the front of the car and tried the door, it was locked. I knocked on the window, my aunt opened the window.

"What do you want?! Get in the car!" She spat at me

"I'd love to get in the car" I said sarcastically

Aunt Edna was silent.

"Uh hello?" I said

"Well get in the back then!" I got into the back of the car, sitting on the hard surface of the seat. Edna jolted the car out of the driveway quickly, causing me to hit my head on the back of my trunk which was sticking out of the back of the car.

 Edna smirked

As we drove on the highway I put in my music, the road flashing by and the trees blurring as the raindrops on the windows smeared across the clear glass.

I swept my black hair away from my eyes, loosing myself in the music. My mind finally calmed and I could think about what has happened the past few days.

Are they  actually gone or is this another one of my sick dreams...have my parents left me forever?

The car suddenly braked and I snapped my head up, Edna was looking at me in fury. I took out my music and looked at her skeptically.


"Sorry, whats wrong..."


"Ok ok listening now what is it"

"Good, now listen to me carefully, you have one room. You will NOT make noise, you will NOT go out, and you will clean the house daily, understand?"

"What?! What dafuq is that supposed to mean?!" I said frantically

"Its the price for a home bitch, now shut up I'm driving" I sat back, I looked down at my phone and saw this.

*unknown number: Hey :) This is Andy! You know...the guy at the park. Just wanted to say hey..."

I smiled down at my phone. I texted back: *hey Andy this is Xandra*

I sent the message and looked out the window.

Andy's POV:

I walked into my home, slamming the door behind me. I put my head in my hands

How the fuck did that just happen...I know I saw it coming but it never felt real until now...

The sun shone through the window, splashing on the counter top of my kitchen like water. I suddenly thought about Xandra, I thought I should text her.

Hey :) This is Andy! You know...the guy at the park. Just wanted to say hey...

I swear I am the most awkward person at times.

I went up to my room and sat at my desk. It felt odd, I never sat at my desk unless I was writing music. Everything felt surreal.

My phone vibrated softly.

"Hey Andy this is Xandra"

I smiled down at my phone, I was thinking maybe we could do something soon?

"No...sorry I cant right now...a lot of shit happened today."

Whats wrong...?

"I don't mean to be rude but I don't want to talk about it. Fuck I have to go...ttyl"

I frowned, I wonder whats wrong...

Ok...ttyl then.

I looked out my window and saw a cloud covering the sun. Today was truly a crazy day.

Xandra's POV:

I got out of the car, I looked at the sky and the sun was being covered by a grey cloud. I grabbed my trunk and hauled it to the front door. I looked back at Edna, she was walking behind me and she looked up at me when I stopped.

"Move!!" She moved past me and unlocked the door, and slammed it behind her.

How charming. I opened the door and took in the new atmosphere. Everything was a dull brown colour, the windows had blue curtains and the carpets around the house were a variation of brown, yellow, silver and green. There was a set of old stairs leading to the upstairs bedrooms.

"Um Enda...where do I sleep?"

"Upstairs, the fourth door on the left" She yelled from the kitchen.

I brought my stuff upstairs and settled into my new room. It was a small room, it had one single bed and a small dresser, I somehow stuffed all of my things into the small dresser and spread a soft blanket over the cold bed. There was no carpet so I thought I needed to buy one.

There was one up to my room though.

It had a massive window. I closed my eyes.

Why are they gone...what is this life? Shot through my head.

No, don't think about have avoided it for today just don't strong...

I snapped my eyes open and went downstairs.

"Aunt Edna, where is Uncle Jack?" I said when I went into the kitchen.

Edna turned around slowly. "That's none of your concern girl, now go out and play or do whatever you kids do these days. I don't want to see your face"

I shuffled out of the kitchen and went out the front door, we were in a small town area. The nearest shop was about 10 minuets walking distance. There were a few trees around the property, my feet sank into the soft mud as I made my way over to a tree, I hopped into the tree and sat there, thinking about what has happened, and what will be.

Hey guys, sorry this chapter was complete shit :( I don't have many ideas rn but I'm trying. Feedback?

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