Attributes of Negation
And Allah says, "Do you know of any who is similar to Him?"
Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taimiyah said that the lexicographers state that it means, 'Do you know anything in the likeness of Him. Who deserves this name?' It has also been said, 'Do you know any such being who is comparable to Him?'
It is reported from Ibn Abbas that this verse means similar or resembling.
The verse contains a negative interrogation which gives a negative sense and accordingly the verse will mean "You do not know anything comparable to Him."
And Allah says, "And there is none comparable unto Him." Kufu means comparable and of similar status. This verse negates all forms of resemblance and comparability with Allah. This is because the word has been used negatively in a general sense. So, as regards its meaning it is general. The complete explanation of the Surah Al-lkhlas (the Sincerity) has already been given earlier.
And Allah says, "Then do not set up rivals unto Allah when you know." The word Andaad is the plural of the word Nidd whose meaning as already explained is 'similar and comparable,' and it is proverbial that no one can be a partner or rival to Allah. It means negation of similarity as well as contrast. The meaning of 'Antum Ta'lamoon' will be that, when you know that Allah Alone has created you and your provisions and your gods whom you regarded as comparable and similar to Allah and made them equal to Allah in regarding them as deserving of worship, cannot create anything; they are rather themselves creatures; they are not owners of any profit and loss. So give up their worship and make Allah the only object of worship and reverence.
And Allah says, "And of mankind are some who take (for worship) others besides Allah as rivals (to Allah). They love them as they love Allah." (2:165). Allah is giving information about the polytheists that they keep their gods as dear as one should keep Allah, that is, they regard these gods as equal to Allah in loving. And those who become faithful, develop love for Allah more than the polytheists do for their objects of worship. This is because the faithful have particularized the love for Allah only while the love expressed by the polytheists lies divided in between their objects of worship. There is no doubt in it that if love is directed to one side alone it is more lasting and strong. It has also been said that the polytheists love their objects of worship in the same way as the faithful do with Allah; but the faithful love Allah far more than the disbelievers do with their gods.
Later He says, "And say, 'Praise to Allah , who has not taken a son and has had no partner in [His] dominion and has no [need of a] protector out of weakness; and glorify Him with [great] glorification'." (17:111) We have already given the explanation of the meaning of Hamd (praise) that is, praising with tongue on the favors and the disfavors. The affirmation of Hamd for Allah consists of such perfections for Him that He Alone is deserving of absolute Hamd Who reaches the extreme of such perfection.
Then Allah negated all such things from His Self which fall short of the absolute Hamd such as having a son, a partner and a companion for His Self, in other words, negating all wants and needs. This is because Allah does not make a friend from His creatures to fulfill His wants and needs.
Then He commanded to His Messenger (peace be upon him) to magnify Him with all the magnificence, providing all kind of respect to Him and purifying Him from all defects. And Allah says, "Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah . To Him belongs dominion, and to Him belongs [all] praise, and He is over all things competent." (64:1) Tasbeeh means purifying from defects and removing them as has already been explained.
There is no doubt in it that all things of the heavens and the earth say the Hamd of their Lord and bear witness to His Perfect Knowledge, Ability, Reverence, Intelligence, Device and Mercy. Allah says:
Sharh Al-Aqeedat-il-Wasitiyah (Islamic book) -A muslims foundation of beliefs
SpiritualBismillah hir Rahman Nir Raheem Alhamdulillahi rabbil-'alamin was salatu was salamu 'ala ashrifil anbiya wal-mursalin nabiyina Muhammad wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in Amma ba'ad This book is for those who want to know about Allah. who is Allah? Ho...