Chapter 6- Cuddling

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"Hey! Hey!" You hear as someone is shaking you. You wake up and see Kalel's bright blue hair in your face. 

"What?? Huhh?" You say half asleep.

"It's 12 PM." She says.

"What?" You answer. "Ok five more minutes. You close your eyes.

"No no no." Kalel screams shaking you. 

"Uhhgfjj." You grunt.

"Fine!!" You open your eyes and stretch your arms and legs out like a plank.

"Hey!" Someone says from end of the couch. Your feet push them against the side of the couch.  "What?" You question as you look up to see Joey eating a bowl of cereal looking at you."Oh sorry Joey." 

"Scoot over!" Kalel says as she sits on your legs.

You sit up and lean against the arm of the couch looking at kalel. "What happened last night?" You ask. 

"You fell asleep halfway into the movie." Kalel answered as she took a spoonful of cereal.

"Ajckgm" she murmured.

"What?" You smile.

Kalel chews her mouthful of cereal and swallows and takes her phone off her lap and unlocks it. "You fell asleep on Joey, it was the cutest thing ever." 

"I did?" You question.

"Yeah I took a photo."Kalel hands you her phone. "And Joey also fell asleep, you guys were like snuggling it was sooooo adorable."

You look at the photo and see you leaning on joeys shoulder hugging his waist and joeys head leaning on yours and his arm wrapped around your shoulder and side. "Oh" you say. "Aww" you smile.

-Your POV- Oh my gosh we look so cute, snuggling and all. When did I fall asleep? And when did I lay on him? Was he awake when I did that? When did he lean his arm and head on me? (All of these questions run through your mind and your stomach starts to feel weird) What the? Why does my stomach feel like this? I'm not hungry? Is it butterflies? Butterflies? But why am I getting butterflies?? (You look over at Joey and see him staring at his cereal bowl) Oh no did I push my boundaries or something? He looks kinda embarrassed. Did I scare him or something? (Joey looks up and see you staring at him and you quickly look away)--

"So Joey don't we look cute?" You laugh trying to  cover up that awkwardness that just happened when you exchanged glances.

"Yeah haha." He smiled. But it was one of those smiles you have in awkward conversations. Kalel looks at you and saw the face you made and she knew what you were thinking. But you weren't even sure what you were thinking so you shrug it off.

"But yeah we all did like the movie!" Kalel enthused. 

"Yeah it was really good." Joey added as he stood up to go into the kitchen to wash off his bowl since he was done eating.

"Hey!" Kalel whispered to you.

"What?" You whispered back.

"I know that look!" Kalel answered.

"What look?" You question even though you knew what she was talking about. Kalel gave you the evil eyes and Joey came back from the kitchen and sat on the couch.

"So what are doing today?" Joey asked.

"Uhh umm I'm not sure." You answer.

"Well." Kalel said. Anthony walks in the room and sits next to Kalel. Kalel makes a face as if she just hatched an idea. "Ooo now I remember, Anthony and I were going on dinner date!" Kalel excites.

"whaa? what? We are?" Anthony says confused.

"Mhmm." Kalel nods.

"What, you dont remeber?" "What? Oh um no I totally remembered."Anthony solemnly said. But you could tell that Anthony didn't remember.

"You know what!" Kalel said as she looked at Joey and I.

"Whaatt?" I answered scared.

"Double date!!" Kalel said excitedly. "Anthony and I and Joey and you!"

"Umm." I said nervously looking at Joey.

"Well its not really a date date for you too." Kalel said as she nudged my arm. "Come on, it'll be fun and later we can go to a club or something."

--Your POV--

I look at Joey and he seemed to be sorta embarrassed because of what happened last night, but we are friends, so whats the harm? Right?

"OK ill go! Itll be fun!" I smile.

"Joey?" Kalel asks.

"Sure Kalelanya!" Joey smiles back.

"Good." Kalel says.

Anthony and Joey get up and head to Joeys room to play videos games.

"Why did you just make up that date?" You ask because you know Kalel is up to something.

"What?" Kalel says innocently.

"I know that look that was on your face before! I had it when I first started liking Anthony!"

"What? I don't like Joey like that." You roll your eyes to try to hid your confusion about Joey.

"Sure." Kalel says. "I guess we will find out." Kalel gives you the evil eyes and gets off the couch to go into her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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