"Hey Kankri,Who would you want to change lives for a Day? Choose one out of all your friends!"
Kankri: Well, I w9uld rather stick with the identity that I was given already, 6ut, since I pr96a6ly have t9 ch99se... I w9uld m9st likely ch99se Latula. I supp9se y9u want me t9 explain why.
Kankri: Latula is 9ne 9f th9se rare tr9lls that, well, at least acts like they care a69ut what y9u have to say. Als9, she has an amazing pers9nality that any tr9ll w9uld simply die f9r, in my 9pini9n. I w9uld l9ve t9 have a pers9nality such as that any day. Alas, my factici9us and; quite w9rdy I'll admit; pers9nality restricts me fr9m c9ming anywhere cl9se t9 6eing as rambunctious and 9utg9ing as her, since m9st 9f my h9urs are spent having lengthy c9nversati9ns with my friends and new-f9und human acquaintances. Latula, h9wever, has all 9f the time in the w9rld t9 be as fun and daring as she wishes. Fun, daring, hilari9us... 6rave... kind... 6eautiful... *He begins to doze off*
Everyone: Uhh... K-Kankri? *Waves hand in front of his face* Helloooo?
Kankri: Hm, yes? 9-9h, s9rry a69ut that juncture, it seems that I have l9st my f9ur wheeled steam device 9f th9ught. Erm, c9ntinuing my resp9nse...
Kankri: T-T9 sum up my reas9ning, I just wish I had the time t9 d9 the things she d9es, and I als9 want t9 6etter understand her. Y9u kn9w, s9 if she happens t9 6e unwell 9ne faithful aftern99n I may 6e an a6le figure t9 help her if her... M-Matesprit isn't there t9 tend t9 her.
Kankri: ... *He takes a deep breath, and decides that he should end the chapter, since he is flustered enough already* Well, I'm afraid that's it f9r n9w. I h9pe y9u g9t a satisfying answer fr9m me, and I ap9l9gize f9r any triggers that I may have... erm, triggered... I'm s9rry, I'm having a very strange day.
Ask Kankri
FanfictionKankri: N9w I realize we've 6een at this f9r s9me time already, 6ut at the risk 9f derailing the dial9gue y9u initiated, and may I just say h9w thrilled I am that y9u did, Karkat, I w9uld just like qualify my entire analysis 9f y9ur "Alternian cultu...