Chapter 1

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The guards watched as the man on the horse trotted through, the lead guard behind them to watch the man with caution

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The guards watched as the man on the horse trotted through, the lead guard behind them to watch the man with caution. They knew who it was. The best hunter in London.

Fitzwilliam Darcy.

He was feared by the zombies, and even scared some folks around towns. No one knew of his history, except everyone knew he disappeared at the age of five after his father almost beat him.

His father came back to the town with bite marks, claw marks, blood dripping from his face to the ground below their feet. No one knew what happened, but suspected a wolf attack.

What they didn't know was the wolf attacked him for hurting little Fitzwilliam.

"I assure you, Mr Darcy, there has not been a single... Monster in here for two years!" The woman said as they gazed around the room full of people. "Might I play in." Mr Darcy asked. "Of course." A woman at the table said.

He sat down as a man with gray hair and side burns smile weakly at him. "Good evening." Mr Darcy said, smiling very quick before going back to his normal expression.

"So, shall we?"

Mr Darcy whistled softly. The sound of claws on the floor echoed through the hall, making everyone look. A pure black wolf trotted through the door way and stopped, sniffing.

"A wolf? Is it yours?" The elderly woman asked. "Yes, she is. She has a quite enviable talent. The ability to detect dead flesh." Mr Darcy said, glancing toward the wolf.

"I say, she is large and I've never seen some goods things in wolves." The elderly woman said. "It's not her alone that should concern you, but rather when she starts to growl." Mr Darcy said.

The wolf sniffed the air and walked slowly through the table aisles. She finally stopped and locked eyes with the grey haired man. A low growl erupted from her throat, making everyone turn.

"Oh dear."

The wolf snarled, teeth bearing before she lunged up at the man and grabbed him in her jaws, slamming him to the ground. And in one bite, his head was clean off.

People screamed, as Mr Darcy got up. He whistled softly to the wolf, who stopped barking, but continued to growl softly as Mr Darcy advanced toward the monster.

The zombie groaned as Mr Darcy raised his foot before lowering it and blood splattered everywhere.


"Fitzwilliam!" People gasped as they heard the one and only Fitzwilliam Darcy had come to the ball, following Charles Bingley. Darcy glanced around.

He felt a cool, wet touch on his hand, making him look down at Midnight, his guardian wolf. She pressed her body near his leg and growled at the people around her. He gently scratched behind her ears to calm her, which always worked. She relaxed and leaned into his touch, accepting the affection.

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