tagged- 13 facts about me

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I was tagged by Shiro_Yuki22 (p.s. sorry its a little late)

Tagged questions-
1. If you was a Kpop trainee what company would you go for?
-I would probably go for Pledis, YG, or JYP

2. If you have a day to be with your bias or group, who would it be?
-I would probably choose Seventeen

3. What would you do if a kpop idol but isn't your bias asked you out?
-I would go out with them, who knows they might be a bias ruiner

4. Knowing you have a week to live how will you spend that week?
-I would spend plenty of time with friends and family. I would also just enjoy my last week without worries

5. What is your fav quote and why?
-I honestly don't have a favorite quote because I like so many that I have read in books or heard in different sayings.

6. Learn how to dance or sing/rap?
-as much as I would love to learn how to rap, I would choose to learn how to dance

7. What will you do if your best friend needed a liver and you had the same books type but then your bias needed one too, who would you give it to?
-I would give it to my best friend

8. Summer, spring, winter, Autumn? And why?
-Autumn because the weather is perfect and the trees are so beautiful during this season

9. What do you rejected in the past and if you had a chance to change it what will it be?
-I don't think I would change anything in my past because I love who I am now, I know that if I changed something I might not be how I am today.

10. Describe yourself in one word

11. Which idol and idol do you look up to or inspires you?
-I look up to any idol that is kind, is themself, and cares about their fans.

12. Being able to have legs or arms?
-I would prefer both but I guess I would keep my legs.

13. Live a happy life but then get shot by your bf or live a happy life but everyday you have to face your best friend abusing you?
-I would choose a happy life with an abusing best friend, because I would be able to eventually get away from the friend.

Have to tag 13 people
People tagged has to put 13 facts about themselves

The people I tag is-

I'm too lazy to make up 13 questions, so if you decide to do this you can just do 13 random facts.

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