2. happy valentine's day

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Taylor stirred around in the large, queen sized bed. Sleepy noises came from her mouth as she turned over with her eyes still closed in search of her husband. When she reached out and felt nothing, her eyes shot open. He was always the last one to wake up, so why wasn't he there?

She sighed and sat up, rubbing her eyes a bit before stretching then throwing the covers back. As she got up, she reached for some pajama shorts and pulled them on under her tshirt. She then made her way downstairs. Once their bedroom door was open, the sound of clinking dishes rang through her ears. Shit, she thought, Valentine's Day.

Taylor raced back upstairs and into her room then went to her bedside table and quickly opened the drawer, grabbing the card she had for him. She smiled at the pink envelope, then got on her knees and grabbed the present from underneath the bed. This year it was a special one for just the two of them, last year it was a song, and the year before was the Valentine's Card Camri had made so early and eagerly and never had the chance to give it to him herself. Taylor swallowed hard at the thought and turned around, then made her way downstairs again.

She clutched the present tight as she stepped into the kitchen and smiled at her husband, who was cooking dinner. Tom turned around and looked at her, "Morning, gorgeous." He winked

The blonde giggled, "Morning. Happy Valentine's Day!" She walked up to him and kissed his lips quickly. "Want to open this now or later?" She asked, looking down at the card and present. He nodded towards the table and she looked at it.

"When you open those."

Taylor smiled wide and put his present beside her own, "So, what are you making for breakfast Romeo?" She walked over next to him and looked at his selection of food. Fruit, toast, and pancakes. The young woman bounced on her toes and licked her lips, "Yum!"

Tom chuckled, "Go sit down. It'll be ready in a few."

She elicited a dramatic sigh and went to sit at the table, "You can't make me wait too long, I'm starving!"

"Five more minutes." He said, smiling to himself at how eager she seemed. He loved spoiling her all of the time, but especially on holidays. 

Taylor smiled to herself. The room was pretty silent after that, he continued to make breakfast as she simply watched him with adoration in her eyes.

When the food was placed in front of her she smiled eagerly and grabbed her fork. "Thank you." She said before she began eating. He nodded and started to eat as well.

For awhile the only thing that could be heard was the sound of forks against plates and small talk. "So, do we have any plans for today?" Taylor asked and looked at her husband.

Tom nodded, "Of course! How could I not spoil my girl on Valentine's Day?"

She laughed and blushed a bit, "I can't wait, then. I also can't wait for you to open this." She shoved the present in his direction, "Please?"

"Alright, fine. Mine first, though." He smiled and grabbed his present for Taylor, wrapped in a small red box. She took it graciously into her hands and smiled at it.

"Lemme guess, it's another necklace?" She joked. It has become a tradition for him to get her a new necklace every Valentine's Day. Every year they were different, sometimes they were personalized and sometimes they were simple. Most people would get tired of the same thing, but she loved it. She was a girl who held traditions close to her heart always.

She started to slowly open the box and gasped in fake shock when it was indeed a necklace. Tom laughed and smiled mischievously at her, he knew what it was. Taylor carefully opened the box and her face flushed white as she looked at the item. It was a heart shaped lock it with Camri's birthstone in the center. She bit her lip and took it out, looking up at her husband before looking back down and opening it.

There were tears already falling down her cheeks as she smiled at the gorgeous picture of her baby girl that was placed on the inside. She was smiling wide and her hair was in the cutest braid. It was taken the day of her fourth birthday party. "Babe..." Taylor smiled bigger and looked up at him.

He was smiling at her, "It's just so you can keep her close to you. Always." He said.

"I love it. I love you." She whispered, getting up to go hug him tight. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the side of her head gently. When she pulled away, he pulled her small frame onto his lap and took the necklace from her hand then clasped it around her neck.

Taylor grasped the heart in her right hand and smiled, "Thank you. So much."

Tom smiled, "You're welcome, gorgeous." He kissed her head again and rested his hand on her hip.

"Now, yours!" Taylor spoke excitedly and grabbed the bag, then handed it to him. He took it and she turned to face him better.

Eagerly, he opened the package and groaned when he realized the actual item was wrapped in tissue paper. She giggled and watched as he unrolled the paper. When he finally reached the item, his stomach nearly flipped. It was a good feeling this time.

"You're kidding..." He said quietly, looking up at her with bright eyes. Taylor shook her head and smiled as Tom grabbed the larger side of the positive pregnancy test. "We're having another baby?" He asked, his voice loud and excited now.

Taylor nodded this time and her smile only grew, "Happy Valentine's Day!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight as he chuckled happily and kissed her head then pulled her away to kiss her lips passionately.

"Happy Valentine's Day." He whispered, smiling just as wide as her.

[A/N: so this one was short and is about two months after the last chapter. I really wanted to do a festive chapter for the holiday! Thanks so much for the amazing feedback, it means a lot.]

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