Birthday Party

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I Hermione Granger would have never thought that I would end up here but here I am headmistress of Hogwarts I can't believe it  all of a sudden I was taken out of my thoughts by an owl pecking on the window I let the owl in and took off the letter attached to its leg I untied the letter and it read

Dear Hermione,
I know your still upset with Ron after all these years and after what he did you have every right to be but I would like to invite you to eat a birthday dinner on April 1st because of the twins and also because Ginny would very much like to see you. Please do come it wouldn't be the same without you. Also Fred and George would like me to tell you congratulations on your position as headmistress. Hope to see you there at 5:30 dear.


Molly & Arthur

Well I would certainly go Ronald would not get in the way of me being there just because he cheated doesn't mean I'm not going to see his family. She was partly right I wasn't upset though I am furious because he had the nerve. But I really need to talk with Harry and Ginny and I Need to tell Fred and George happy birthday.
Hey stupid April 1st is tomorrow
Hey, my mind is harsh sometimes,wait what. I sent a patronus to Mrs. Weasley since a letter would take too long saying I would be there and also a thanks for the invitation. I had an idea as to what to get them it was troublesome but I would get them more plans for their growing joke stores that they now had all over England. I spent all night and till 12 in the afternoon working on their present I had put nearly 270 ideas in the book and magically sewn it all together to make a ginormous book. Then I slept till 4:30 and got ready I was a bit tired but I was fine. I wore a red dress that reached my knee and applied a little mascara and red lipstick with black heels and a black jacket with my hair in a ponytail, I might be a principle but I have developed a sense of style from being best friends with Ginny. By the time I got done it was nearly 5:20 so I got ready to apparate and left.
I arrived at the Burrow and knocked on the door thinking it rude to apparate inside of the house and I was welcomed by George who had a party hat on "Hey Hermione mum said you would come but I didn't think you would show." Hermione gave him a playful glare and replied "George of course I came you and Fred would have been upset if I hadn't." George chuckled at this "Oh cheeky Hermione of course we would have been upset if our favorite little bookworm hadn't come." Hermione was smiling it had been a long time since that had happened "Of course George but um may I come in?" A look of realization crossed his face he had not let the guest in "Yes yes come in but don't tell mum I didn't let you in she'd have my head." Hermione laughed and entered the cozy house and the smell of cake welcomed her. Then George spoke up and said "Well Mione you look very pretty this evening dressing up for someone?" She again gave a few chuckles and replied "Only you and Fred, George." All of a sudden Fred walked up to George and asked where he had been and George replied "I was greeting our guest Fred." Fred looked at me and smiled "Oh hey Mione didn't see you there what did you get us?" I gave him a blank look and rolled my eyes "You'll see when it's time." They both put on a pouty face and they said in unison "But Mione it's our birthday today and you have to do what we say." I rolled my eyes again and replied "No I got you the gift and you'll open when it's time." Then Mrs.Weasley called time for cake and Hermione went to say hi to everyone Fred grabbed her wrist and whispered in her ear "Sit by me Mione." She smiled and replied "whatever the birthday boy wants." Then she walked away and was met by one of Mrs. Weasley's bear hugs.
"How nice to see you Hermione so glad you could so I guess you aren't still upset at Ronald for what he did?" I smiled sadly at Mrs.Weasley and replied "Yes I am still very upset at Ronald but I decided to come for the twins." Mrs. Weasley smiled at me and said "Well it's great that you came Hermione it's great to see you and do try to avoid Ronald all he's been talking about is getting you back and I know you don't truly love him." I nodded and walked off to sit by Fred. I found him at the end of the table and he patted the seat next to him and called "Hermione right here." I sat next to him and and he said "Mione we're singing happy birthday you have to hold my hand." So I took his hand I noticed that only the couples were holding hands and sitting together but I brushed it off and sang and at the end of the song the twins said it was time to open presents and Fred asked for mine first when they first opened it they frowned "Same old Mione giving us books." Then I started laughing and said "Open the rest of it and you might find it's different from other books." They opened it and their faces turned to pure shock. "Hermione Granger you gave us a book full of store ideas you truly have changed for the better." Everyone in the room looked at me it was hard not to laugh at their faces the twins jumped of the table and gave me a huge hug then George jumped back on but Fred stayed and again leaned in to whisper in my ear "Meet me outside after the party Granger." He jumped back on the table and winked at me.

I walked away and then I was grabbed by the arms and I heard a familiar pleading voice "Hermione please forgive me I know what I did was wrong and I was stupid Hermione I love you I'm so sorry please!" I slapped him across the face and I smelt alcohol all over him "Ronald Weasley are you drunk brothers birthday what is wrong with you let go of me." He shook his head "Never again will I let go of you Hermione." I kneed him in the balls and ran till I found George "George please help me get your brother I kneed him in the crotch and he is now passed out from being drunk." He looked shocked but nodded and we levitated him to a bed "Thank you George." He just laughed and said "Of course Mione if he ever touches you again tell me ok." I nodded and realized the party was now over and people were clearing out I walked outside after everyone left. It was beautiful and the stars shown so bright then I heard Fred's voice "Enjoying the stars Mione?" I smiled and nodded and he sat right next to me. He lit his wand and we looked through the book I had gotten him and we just talked. Until I looked at the watch I had on and I was shocked to find it was nearly 2 in the morning and I had work tomorrow. I got up and said " I'm sorry Fred but I have to go to work tomorrow but I'll see you later then ok?" He got up and grabbed my wrist as I turned to go and he pulled me closer to him and he leaned in and I found myself doing it too finally our lips met and I felt not sparks, but fireworks on my lips. Then we broke apart for air and I said "Fred would you like to go out sometime?" He grinned and nodded and said "Hermione honestly I've wanted to do that since 4th year." He says "I liked you and George was the only one who knew about this I knew I couldn't chase after you because of Ron but when he cheated on you I was going to but I stayed away because you needed your space the George suggested I invite you to our birthday party and get you alone." I smiled at this it was great to know that someone cared. "Well Fred I'll see you this Saturday maybe at 8:00?" He grinned and nodded saying "Where do you live I thought it be fun to have a muggle car and I passed the driving test so I'm taking you to a muggle restaurant and dress fancy." I gave him my address and apparated to my flat in Hogwarts I found a way to make it to where only the headmaster can apparate in Hogwarts. I fell asleep the instant my head hit my pillow.

Hey so first chapter yeh the next chapter will first be in Fred's pov then Ron's and then Harry's this was the first chapter I only did it the main character Hermione yay bye dears.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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