I always have a mandatory 'thank you' note at the end of each book, to show my gratitude! :D
aadhithya17-> thank you for being a great critique, and making me reorganize my plot completely. I wouldn't have done it without you telling me to, and I especially wouldn't be this proud of my work!
PoojaChandrasekaran -> Thank you for making me have faith in my book. Watching you laugh in person while reading my book made me so happy. Thank you for all the advice <3
Rosh_7love -> Our one hour long conversations always make my day! Thank you for the bunch of ideas you've given me, the boost of confidence, and incidences that I've been inspired from ;) Love you, Rosh! <3 :* I couldn't have gotten this far with writing without your support! Thank you!!!!
dishya -> You're one of the reasons as to why I even started writing. Cause I knew, no matter how it turns out, you would be there to support me. Thank you, Sharmi. Your never ending support has always kept me going. Love you so much! <3
pirategaby -> What would I have done without you? Rhema, you have no idea how much your comments meant to me! I recently read all of them and it made me smile so much! Thank you, love! <3
Raven_queen31 -> what started as votes for my book covers graduated into a hopefully life long friendship. Dida, I love you!!! Reading your comments, conversing with you, always made my day. There have been countless times where I would laugh all day just thinking about our comment conversation. Thank you for everything. Thank you for being a great friend!!
omahazeeya -> it was lovely getting to meet a fellow Tamilian! ;) Thank you for the votes and comments! <3 So glad to have found a new friend! <3
-> I'm so glad you messaged me about the book, voicing out your opinions! You became a friend that instant <3 Thank you so much for all the support you've given!
adyanthaya -> There was this comment that got me so excited. You had already read the chapter once, and you came back three days later to ask for an update. You have no idea how happy that made me feel ;) Thank you, Adyanthaya! Your comments have always made my day! <3 Not to mention, laugh like a maniac as well :'D
DigbijoyChoudhury-> You are definitely a very good friend of mine. Thank you SO much for all the positive and honest feedback you've given me about the book. I always looked forward to your comments, and have had so much fun conversing with you! :)
elena25dobrev -> Hey Elena! You are one of the first few friends I've made off of HTWYB. It was a real pleasure getting to know you, and your comments and votes thrilled me beyond doubt! I'm so glad I got to find a friend like you. Even after I said I was going to take another break, you were still there to support me. I really appreciate it <3
mayflower1993-> You are the reason as to why I decided to update my book again after so long. Thank you for have taken the time to post on my wall. It really meant a lot! <3 And I knew I could always count on you for having read the chapter and voting. Thank you so so much! <3
How to Woo Your Bride
ChickLitCOMPLETED! "I need time, please. I don't think I can be friends with you right now. I'm sorry. I really am," she said. Madhan merely nodded. This wasn't what he wanted to hear from her. Now he was at a loss of what to do. Did he overstep the...