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Unknown P.O.V.

That day everything changed; my whole world was flipped upsidedown. Her gorgeous sandy hair, her bright smile, it was all gone. And it was all my fault.

It was five p.m. and I was at her door step. I took a deep breath, always enjoying seeing my breath in the frosty winter air, and gripped the steel door knocker, and faintly knocked it three times against the black oak door. I heard footsteps shuffling inside. Moments later the door opened to reveal her small figure, sandy blonde hair, illuminating tanned skin that seemed to radiate in the darkness, and bright smile.
It was as if the world around us froze and the only things in all of existence were us together. Right then her beautiful blue orbs met mine as I stared in awe (probably looking like a total love sick idiot). I felt heat rise to my cheeks, which I attempted to hide with my dirty blonde fringe.
"Uh h-hey," I stuttered shyly as I looked to the ground. I heard her giggle lightly and her soft fingers tilt my chin up to look at her.
"Hi babe," she said making me blush even more furiously than before, which in turn caused her to laugh quietly.
"Oh hush you," I muttered defensively and covered my blushing face with my hands, which were wrapped in the sleeves of my big grey sweater.
"Make me you little spork," she replied and gently pulled my hands away from my still blushing face. "You should come inside; it's freezing out there," she said with concern laced into her harsh, yet gentle and caring voice.
"O-Okay," I agreed softly, as she pulled me inside. I stumbled over my feet until she gently gripped my hips to steady me. She chuckled lightly and I blushed slightly and smiled shyly.
"Th-Thanks," I said looking to the floor. I internally face palmed from my stuttering and awkwardness.
"No problem, I'm used to you being a clumsy idiot," she giggled.
"H-Hey don't be mean!" I tripped over my words defensively. Damn this stutter, I thought to myself
"I think you being a clumsy idiot is adorable baby," she replied, smile deviously, knowing she was embarrassing me. I picked at my nails praying, my nervous habit would rid me of some embarrassment, but with no luck I continued blushing madly. "Oh my god, you're such a dork," she chuckled.
"W-Well maybe it's b-because I h-hang out with y-you so
m-much!" I responded defensively.
"Sure," she said, stretching the 'u' out sarcastically. I just sat there, a flustered mess. It's so annoying when she does this (even though it's also adorable but I would never admit that).
"Shut up!" I yelled, with a blush still remaining on my cheeks.
"Nope!" She said popping the 'p' and smirking deviously.
"Yes," I said.
"Than make me," she responded, a smirk still playing across her lips evilly.
"H-How am I s-supposed to d-do th-that?" I questioned, tripping over my words once again, before hiding my face in my sweater sleeves once again.
"Stop hiding you dork," she giggled and attempted to pry my hands apart gently. I shook my head and buried my face farther into my sleeves. "Oh come on," she begged and softly grabbed my wrists, pulling my hands away. "Well hi, I haven't seen you in a while," she said sarcastically and grinned.
"H-Hello," I responded and blushed crimson red. She giggled lightly and blushes slightly. Why would she be blushing? I questioned to myself. "Why are you blushing?" I asked.
"Um it's nothing..." She trailed off.
"Tell me," I said stretching the 'e'.
"It's nothing," she reassured.
"It's clearly something so tell me," I begged, staring up at her with wide eyes.
"No," she refused.
"Pwease?" I continued to beg, as I stared up at her with puppy eyes.
"Just uh our faces um are really close..." she trailed off awkwardly, her cheeks tinted pink.
"O-Oh," I said softly as a blush rose to my face.
"C-Can I um k-kiss you?" She stuttered as she blushed even darker than before.
I nodded shyly as my cheeks reddened to match hers. She began to lean closer to me, her beautiful teal eyes closed as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped my slender arms around her waist. I pulled her slightly closer and pushed myself onto my tiptoes to reach her. It felt as if the world around us had disappeared, and the only thin that mattered was her. So close I thought to myself as my grey eyes closed as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2017 ⏰

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