Chapter Six: Tsukiyama

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I opened the chocolate  brown door that opened into my room. Next to my bed sat the black backpack  I had aquired  from (y/n). I grabbed it by one if the straps  and unzipped it a little. It wasn't filled with much. A small amount of money that could only sustain a little amount of food that wouldn't  taste good , even in a humans mouth, a gray hoodie  that zipped up in the front, a light green journal with a pencil sticking out the top, and a necklace. This necklace  had a stainless steel chain and three diamond that hung off the chain, the smallest at the top and the biggest at the bottom. Why would a poor girl who lived on the streets have such an expensive  necklace? I thought. It glimmered  in the morning  light shining through the window.

I put everything back  inside the bag and zipped it back up. I could smell that she was back in her room and went to give her the bag so I could read the journal. I knocked on her door this time a quiet "come in" and I let myself inside. She was sitting at the end of the bed reading Monochrome  Rainbow, a collection  of short stories. She looked up, smiled, and reached for her bag. I handed it to her and watched her unzip it, take put the journal and hand it to me. "Protect this with your life sir" she said and looked back down to read again.

"Anything I should keep in mind or music I should listen to while reading?" I questioned  hoping for the best experience.

"Um, yes, listen to piano with violin for the best experience  in my opinion" she told me not looking up from her book.

"Alright" I started to walk from the room "I should be done in a couple hours." I looked back to her. Her (h/c) hair flowed over her shoulders  and covered her eyes. As I left the room I whispered to myself "quite the beauty" as I walked to the library  where u could read without  interruption.

I had two musically asserted servants play soft and beautiful  piano music for me as I begin to read.

(Start video)

Her fingers danced cross the ivory keys causing an echo of harmonious hope and yet it was tinted with sadness. The last note was hit and applause erupted though out the hall as men and woman seemed saddened by the way the keys brought tears even to her eyes. As she sat to play again her fingers had become stiff and the notes didn't come out right as she broke into tears of true sadness. It had caught up to her. She knew it wouldn't be long, but she always knew it would come.

Her grand piano now sat, waiting  for her to play, but it would never happen. Her parents made it worse by telling  her that she would be able to play again  soon even though they knew it wasn't true.

She wanted the pain to end, but she didn't have  the guts to take her own life, so she ran from  home with only one  thing, a diamond  necklace.

Nothing else was written (small a/n that was cut down a lot, but I plan to write the story An Angels  Music  after I finish  this book) but I was in light tears from the effect of the music with the story. I hurt even more to know that this was obviously (y/ns) life story, written as fiction, as if she believed  her life wasn't lived to a full potential.

Authors note: I know it's short.... sorry. Anyway I'm still going to update this book don't worry.

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