Those Nasty Comments

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I'm going to start this off with a story because I know you guys love my stories -do you? who knows- anyway...

So imagine me about two years ago, and I was a **shame** huge and I mean fucking HUGE One Direction fan. Funny thing was I always hated their music and on X Factor I cheered when they went out because I thought they were idiots that couldn't sing.

I take that back right now because they can sing...just not well enough to be solo artists. ha ha ha. Their songs still make me want to puke up my intestines.

I'm actually in a fucking one direction documentary saying how I would travel overseas to see them, (that was a lie, I'm far too cheap and lazy to do that but you try not being charismatic when there's a camera in your face and a microphone dangling above your head).

Anyway. At some point over the next few months I grew some unhealthy obsession with them were I would spend hours in my room watching youtube interviews and plaster my walls with their posters and write fucking Mrs Louis Tomlinson on my school books because I was that fucking sad and I cant believe im actually putting this information on the internet because that year was probably the most shameful of my life.

So I've always had some love for writing so I decided to write a *gulps* fanfiction. This of course was before I even knew Wattpad existed so I decided to write the chapters on Youtube. YOU LAUGH NOW OKAY BUT MY STORY WAS THE MOST POPULAR FANFICTION ON YOUTUBE AND GOT ME LIKE 200,000 VIEWS WHICH ON HERE IS LIKE TINY BUT ON YOUTUBE IS LIKE FRICKING LOADS.

So...I write my Louis fanfic and finish it off in like 50 chapters and I get a comment that has stuck in my mind for like ever.

I really like your story but I think it would be better if it was a Niall fanfiction, it's not to late for you to change it.

I nearly put my fist through the screen I was so fucking angry that some snotty little shit have the nerve to tell me to CHANGE MY MAIN CHARACTER JUST FOR HER. ARE YOU F U C K I N G KIDDING ME.

Of course I replied back as politely as I could:

Actually the story is finished now and why the HELL would I change it just for one stupid kid that thinks I have TIME to go back and change the WHOLE DAMN STORY.

YEAH, im friendly.

And in case you were wondering, I totally had time.

Of course writing a book you get people that love it and hate it, especially with something as controversial as fanfiction, and the majority of the comments I would get would be awesome saying my story was great, I was great the whole fudging world was great but of course there are always those little shits that never heard of 'Got nothing to say? Don't say shit.'

This story is STUPID. You are STUPID and I hope you DIE.

Well of course the damn story was stupid. How many people do you know that go to a signing, end up hanging out with the band, staring in a music video, getting into a car crash with Zayn but ultimately ending up with Louis?

None. You know none.

But the thing was I wanted the views so I gave the people what they wanted despite knowing I was writing complete and utter bullshit.

But what really fucked me over is when people tell you to go DIE.


That is my number one all time hate. You cant say that to someone you just can't it is the cruellest thing ever and makes you a sick and nasty individual. There are HUNDREDS of stories ive read on here that ive hated with the passion of a million hookers but that does not mean I would ever tell someone I wanted to see them dead.

Shame on you.

There is a difference between constructive critique and someone just being a little bastard who has to be mean to everyone else because they think it's funny when it is not. Oh and when you don't upload in a while and you get those people saying they will hunt you down and slaughter you if you don't update within a certain amount of time.

Dude, you're not that guy out of Taken, and I'm not afraid of you. mmmkay.


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