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Its 1997 movie is full of and optimism...
Totally heart touching story.

The way Guido(hero)wins Dora's heart is funny...
"Good morning Princess" he say her a lot of times in movie..

The Guido(librarian)  and his son Joshua are taken in Nazi death camps for being Jewish.

Dora(school teacher) isn't Jewish still she volunteers to follow her husband and child

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Dora(school teacher) isn't Jewish still she volunteers to follow her husband and child.

Guido tries stays positive all the time and makes his son and us laugh even in the worst situation...
Seriously i wonder how can someone be so positive...
Guido announces in speaker  " good morning princess " in Nazi camp along with Joshua..i liked that so much.

Its a much watch movie..It will make you laugh and cry

It will make you laugh and cry

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..bagged so many awards including Oscars and academy award.

IMDB rating --- 8.6

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