I cant possibly have feelings for her [Chapter 12]

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Andy's POV

I can see him getting closer, his eyes flickering between my lips and my eyes. I don't know what to do.

You've only started being close to him for a few days.

But you have known him for years

But he has changed

Only in looks, inside he is just the same old Louis

My internal monologue is offering no help as he continues to get closer...

and closer....

What do I do?



With my heart beating erratically in my chest I can think of nothing more than how his lips will feel against mine.

I lean forward slightly, as if to close the gap, but at that point a large crash can be heard from the other room. 

A scream of pain follows; and then silence. 

This is all that it takes to break the movement between us as I scramble out from underneath Louis and rush into the living room, worry growing in my stomach. 


Lying on the floor, his limbs splayed out like a rag doll Harry looked broken. 

and I probably would have panicked had I not heard the bubble of laughter that was escaping his mouth, his body shaking as the manic giggles escaped in short bursts. 

I spy the lamp, lying in pieces on the floor next to him "Harry what happened?" I question as the remainder of the boys begin to emerge from their rooms, obviously hearing the commotion and wanting to investigate.

"I tripped over the rug and knocked into the lamp as I fell" He explains after his laughter had died down and he is being helped to his feet by Liam.

"Nice timing dick head" I can hear Louis faintly mutter before retreating back into the kitchen.

I glance around at everyone's reactions but I don't think anyone heard his comment while being preoccupied by Harry. 

I am yet to decide whether I am glad Harry interrupted out potential kiss...

Louis is just my friend. 

We don't like each other like that.....

However one thing that I am sure of now is that it is going to be insanely awkward going back into that kitchen.

Harry's POV

Sitting myself back onto the comfortable leather of the settee I try to focus my attention on to the Tv and find myself thinking of anything else. 

My mind is in a daze and all I can think about is Andy.... and how she is in a room.... alone.... with Louis.

It is obvious Louis likes her, well obvious to me anyway. He is my best friend. 

I can hear a shriek from the slightly ajar door and I find myself walking towards the kitchen.

I know I shouldn't be spying on them but I need to know what they are doing..

Peering through the door I can see them wrestling, covered in flour and egg and sauce. 

Louis looks a mess and yet she still manages to look perfect.

I scold myself for thinking such things and once again I struggle to remind myself that I have only met this girl for a few hours.

This is ridiculous, I cant possibly have feelings for her.

Can I?

While still pondering over this I watch as in front of my eyes they loose balance and collapse onto the now flour dusted floor. 

With Louis landing directly on top of her, their faces almost touching it is easy to predict what is about to happen.

So without even thinking I run over to the coffee table, push the lamp onto the floor with a crash, and then drop to the floor with a scream. 

I just hope they didn't kiss. 

I cant have them getting together while I am still trying to figure out what I want. 

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