Chapter 2

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Nothing like the rain
Nothing like the rain
When you're in outer space
When you're in outer space

- 5SOS -


# Luke's POV
( warning : cussing words available :D )

Tick. Tick. Tick.

I'm listening to the chatter sound of the rain hit the window as I lean in them. It's calming to just watch the rain and listen to its voice, like you're in a different time and place. It makes me think everything and yet nothing at the same time. Wondering to places and times. It's a good distraction from the hectic hell I've been through today. It's not that I hate it, but it'll be good if I could have a break sometime.

I love my job, plays with the boys, friends that I'd like to call as brothers now, and share those moments with all of you guys. I've been dreaming for-fucking-ever to reach this state and believe me when I say it's not so easy. But when I finally did it, it feels fucking amazing I can't believe it. All the dreams come true. All of my effort paid off.

I still can't wrap my head around it sometimes. Man, just a hella lot of luck, I admit. It's not that we've been sitting around playing guitar and BAM we got the contracts, not at all. But in this country where you have to pay for every drop of water you take, to get noticed and given the contracts for to the chance of getting a billion dollars, it is not an easy thing. I might sound cocky but hell, I'm proud of my achievements, so proud of my brothers. And it's like all of the good things we got, there's price to pay. In this case, my case, it's not a small price, but I won't change it for the world.


"Luke, man, let's get the hell out of here! I'm bored out of my mind. Fuck. I'm going to lose my mind if I'm here for another hour." Alex barging in to my room. The fucker got no manners.

"Go away. I'm not in the mood." I say grumpily, sounding like a sulky kid. Maybe I am.

I don't know why but I've been feeling so tired lately and it's getting worse everyday. I feel that I miss out on something important that I can't grab onto. Lost it without even find it. I feel so trapped and I need to find a way out. A break way out.

I've been in this fame for years and I feel a stagnancy that starts to gnaw on me. Not that I'm ungrateful, maybe I sound like one, but believe me you will feel the same way. A lot of people pray to be like me, in my position but trust me, you need a lot of passion, patient and power to stay focus in this business. I feel like I need to do something, find anything to bring back the spirit I once had, and give more to people who have always supporting our band to no end. It's like I did nothing much to deserve this. It's not enough. Not anymore.

"Oh come on Luke, I've got no one beside you. Jack And Samm have already gone. Let's have some fun. I'm going out my fucking mind staying in this room for days!" Alex whining over and over again, pulling his hair at the same time. I want to pull my hair too. or his hair.

"You're such a whiny dork. Why don't you text Jack and go join him. I really am not in the mood." I turn my head back to watch the rain.

"You never in the mood. What happen to you? You sound like a kid who did not get a present on Chrismast." he says nonchalantly. I give him a death glare. Like the fucker he is, he continue, "beside, I'm not going to let the fucker mocking me again for trailing his ass. Not a chance." He pouts and cross his hand. Acting all bossy with me.

I just stare at him. Does he ever listen to himself? He really has no self preservation. Talking shits without thinking. I wonder how girls fall all over his feet sometimes. They just don't know the actual truth. Poor them.

When he realized that I don't give two shits about his problem, he starts to giving me his puppy dog stare and shedding his unseen tears. That would work on girls most of the time. But not me. I'm not that cheap. What the actual fuck?

"Come on man, you are the only one I've got. The only brother I can count on. They will not live it down if I don't get the fuck out of this room. And I can't go alone now. You know it's important for me to get some fresh air. And I know you will not let me down right?" Now he's using his deadly weapon.

God, he is so annoying sometimes I wonder how can I call him brother. He knows I can not say no to that. That's a very sensitive stuff he brings. Damn him to hell.

He will not let me live it down instead if I tell him to get the hell out. And trust me, that will be more annoying, hearing him whining on and on, play it a thousand times. You won't like it. This night went down so fast.

"Alright I'll go but on one condition." I need to set the bar for this kid, I don't want trouble that he is always bring. I got a hell of a weight on my shoulders, I don't need one more to add.

"Anything you want baby. We will rock the world tonight." He's already walk out of my room in an instant before I even say my piece.

Already have what he wants he walk to his room probably change to his more presentable clothes as he likes to put it. I scoff at that. Yeah, right. What an asshole.

"No chicks involved. And we'll be home before midnight." I yell at him from where I sit. He better listen. Or he will a dead meat before he even say chick.

He just toss me a look and walk straight to his own room.

"Lets see how the night end baby." he shouts from the hallway.

Fuck! I can smell trouble now. How I can let myself trapped everytime, I just don't know. The plan to 'stay out of trouble' goes out of the window.

"Get change! Don't let me play dress up with you." He adds teasingly before close his door.


His laugh come booming from his room to mine.

Like that is a possibility. Letting him playing 'dress up' with me is like a disaster. Not a chance in the world, as long as I have my own hands and feet perfectly functional, thankyou very much.

Once is enough for me to understand what a disaster he was on styling for my taste. I should've known, he will never get things right. God forbidden him to behave and not gave me headache. I just hope I can enjoy the night and have some fun with the boys, beside the play Alex going to act on tonight. It's been a long time since the word "fun" sounds familiar to me. So yeah, let's have some fun.

A/N :

Big thankyou and shout out to EDIT0RR for helping me out with this chapter.

You don't know how grateful I am for your help. :*

this is an edited version, but if you still find a complication or some misunderstanding concept, kindly comment on the rows below. :D

Kiss and hug for everyone who read this and votes xoxo

- i.m -

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