The Plan

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 "Alright, Kev. It's time to get to work."

I helped Barry clean off the table and he put a large blueprint of what looked like the White House or something. "This is where He is, and his assistant." Barry pointed at the building as a whole. "Who's He?" I asked. "Does no one know his name or something?" Barry looked at me with a stern stare, "No. No one knows. Only those who work there and are very high up the industrial ladder at least know his last name. Other than that, he practically doesn't exist." "If no one knows his name, then how did he get elected?" "He didn't, okay? Now moving on." he raised his voice. I could tell I was testing him, so I didn't speak unless I was asked something. Barry went through his plan on how we were gonna invade the White House and take Him down. "First, we travel to D.C and make a hideout as close as we can to it. Then, when night falls, you and Suzy will take out the guards our front while Danny, Ross, Arin, and I go inside and take out everyone inside. And this is when we need everyone inside. You and Suzy will enter the giant hole Ross will probably install into the building, and we'll make our way to Him. We'll kill Him and his assistant, and take over the White House. Got it?" I nodded. "Good."

The elevator doors opened to a guy in a brown, beat up mask with a black shirt and ripped jeans. He had two grocery bags in each hand. I started panic until the guy set down the bags inside and removed the mask. It was Danny. "Calm down, dude. It's just me." he chuckled. "What the hell are you doing in that?" Danny looked down at how he was dressed in confusion. "What do you mean? I just went shopping." "In that?!" "Well, yeah." He set down the mask on a nearby table, pulled an orange jacket off the floor, and put it on. Arin came out from the hallway and greeted his friend. Danny handed him the grocery bags, Arin took a look through them, and nodded at him with a smile. Then he returned to his room. "What was that about?" I asked. "I picked him up some paper and new pencils. Arin loves to draw, man. The most talented artist I've ever seen." We then heard a robotic whine from Ross over in the other room, who had apparently listening in. "You're okay, I guess." Ross pouted.

"So," Danny spoke. "Barry brief you on our little plan?" I nodded. "Good. We'll be leaving in about two days, so that should give you enough time to pack." "I don't have anything to pack." I claimed. He gave me a nervous smile.

The Capital:

I walked back to my small office and sat down. You may not think so, but I have a reason on why I'm here: so I would be safe. Sure, I could've joined The Rebellion, but I have no experience with weapons. I'd be out on the streets and forced to scavenge for food every day and night. At least I get a home and food in the capital. Well, whatever. My shift's almost over, anyway.

"Mr. Fischbach?" I turned in my swivel chair to meet the face a low employee. "This is a message from Him." He hands me a piece of paper with typed things on it. I read it:

Dear Mr. Fischbach,

You have been chosen for a mission to inspect Glendale, CA for the leaders of The Rebellion, The G.G. You will have one guard with you at all times just in case of an attack.


Your Superior

I was set back at the thought of being sent away to look for them. And with my own guard at that. I thanked the employee for the letter and set it on my desk. But why me? Why would I be sent and not someone else? What makes me so special? There are SWAT units for this. Well, whatever the reason, I was being shipped out in two days.  

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