wash me over until my well runs dry

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Scott is minding his own business, drinking his Starbucks and waiting for everyone to get back from the bathroom or wherever so that soundcheck can start, when tiny strong arms catch him around the waist from behind. They squeeze. Somebody's head presses against his spine in the middle of his back.

"I'm so happy for you."

"Uh," Scott says, holding very still to make sure he doesn't accidentally spill his latte. "Hi, Kirstie."

"I just wanted you to know," she says, without letting go. She is holding on really very hard. It's probably supposed to be a hug.

"Thanks," Scott says. "I think."

"And also I'm sorry I was so grouchy," she goes on. "It was just so hard, okay, to be in the middle of, y'know, that."

"I'm sure it was," Scott says, though he has no idea what she's talking about, really, none.

Absolutely no idea.

"No, I mean it. It sucked." Somehow she manages to squeeze him miraculously tighter for a moment.

Denial is hard work, but Scott is still clueless. "I'm... sorry?"

"Which means you guys can't ever break up okay, if you do you'll have to have joint friend custody, and you don't want that, it's always a giant pain," Kirstie says.

"Uh, yeah," Scott says, wincing. "I know, remember?"

There is a pause. "Yeah, well. I'm just saying."

One more squeeze, then the arms unwind, and Kirstie steps around to stand in front of Scott. She's smiling up at him, head already tipped back. "Sorry about that, too," she adds.

"It's cool, don't worry about it," Scott says.

"I really am, though," she says. "Happy for you."

Scott starts to smile, he can't really help himself. "Yeah. Me too."

"And Mitch," she says. "Especially Mitch."


"What about me?" Mitch asks, coming up just as Kirstie is saying something about him to Scott.

Kirstie makes a noise Mitch hasn't heard in a long time, and flings herself at him in a hug.

"I'm so happy!" she crows, while she squeezes.

"Okay, awesome," Mitch says back, making baffled eyes at Scott over her head and trying to convey what is going on with just his face.

Scott must not understand it. Scott looks at them and smiles. He's no help.

"So happy," Kirstie tells Mitch, like he's been there for the entire conversation.

Scott's smile is so wide it's in danger of permanently separating the top and bottom halves of his face.

"Happy is good," Mitch hazards.

"Happy about us," Scott says, thankfully clarifying things before Mitch can get too nervous.

"Oh, yeah," Mitch says, easy now. "So am I. Thanks, Kit."

"Don't fuck it up, okay," Kirstie adds into Mitch's shoulder, quiet like it's maybe just for his ears. "And don't let him fuck it up, either."

"Not gonna happen," he promises, and hugs her back.


"So," Mitch says, when he gets Scott alone, "it turns out the gift shop does not sell lube."

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