After killing vampire Harry Styles, I decided to dig a little deeper. Right as we were about to kill Vampire Harry Styles, he had said "You've just killed us." Us plural. Us as in more than one.
That's when it hit me.
There's a whole bunch of them. Killing tons of innocent people. People that give me money.
There my little Trumplings, and I care about them. Well I don't care about them. I care about their wallets.
Suddenly I get an email on Trump mail. It has A list of a bunch of famous people. Why does that matter? They have numbers next to them. What do they mean? Are they vampires? Suddenly I see Harry styles his name. It says something. One word.
What does the list mean? Are these other vampires? I'm going to start at the bottom and work my way up. The first name?
Justin. Bieber.