01 A new start

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It’s been 15 years since I left NU’EST. That day, on the plane, I turned my heart into a stone. I never thought about the guys again, so my heart has always been a piece of stone, and my blood has always been cold as ice. I swore I wouldn’t let anything scratch my heart until the day I was free, and so I did. Now I can think about them.

While I’m thinking this, my phone rings: a new message: it’s a picture, and under it something is written: “Ren’s new girlfriend???”. I suddenly feel that a crack is starting in my heart. Definitely, I must keep my heart a stone, and my blood cold as ice.

I close my eyes, I take a deep breath to imprison all my emotions once again.

“Then, it’s better I go back home” I think. I take my luggage and I head toward InterLab’s dorm, again. I leave my things in the hall, I head to the CEO’s office and knock.

« Come in » he says

« Good morning Mr. Smith » I greet

« Oh DeungHae » he smiles « Why are you here? »

« I know it can sound strange but… can I stay here? » I ask

« What? Why? » he asks surprised

« I don’t know where to go. And anyway, I think I might miss here » I lie « So I wanted to ask if I could stay here, maybe training new members… » I suggest

« I think it can work. Let’s do like this: you guide newbies during their first missions and I can ask you to do some tasks on your own. You have the right to refuse but if you do it once, you have to take the next mission. Sounds good? »

« Of course. Deal! » I say shaking his hand

« Do you want to go somewhere before officially starting again? »

« Well… I’d like to visit Australia » “Where Oppa is” I think

« Then you have ten days starting from now. Your room is the same. See you »

« Thank you. Have a good day » I say going out

I run to the dorm and bring my luggage in my room. Then I start looking for a flight and luckily I find one for tomorrow morning. I immediately book it, together with the ticket to come back, a week later. Then I call InterLab’s base in Canberra to reserve a room.

I look around “I should unpack my things” I think. I place everything in the same position of before and then I pack the few things that I need for this trip.

Then I go to the swimming pool: I need to have my mind focused on something at the moment. The day passes quickly and soon it’s time to go to bed.

At 10am the alarm rings. I immediately get up, I go to the bathroom, I eat breakfast and then get ready. I wear my favorite t-shirt, blue with a dolphin, a pair of dark blue jeans  shorts and my black converse. I also decide to put on the necklace that HyunKi gave me before leaving. Now I’m ready. I take the bus and one hour later I’m in front of the airport of Moscow. I do the check in and I wait.

-18 hours later-

Finally I’m outside the airport, looking at the streets of Canberra. “I missed this place” I realize. Then I walk to InterLab’s dorm.

« Hi. I’m DeungHae. I’ve called yesterday… » I say to the receptionist

« Oh yeah, I remember. Room 809 » the girl says handing me the keys

Luckily there’s an elevator. I go up, put down my luggage and run back downstairs: I want to see where Oppa lives. I know it’s in a little town near the capital, so I take the bus to go there.

It’s a really small village, so even if I don’t know the address I think I can find the house quite easily. While looking around I understand that this is the perfect place to my Oppa: it’s little but nice, it gives you the feeling to be at home, and that’s an important thing for people like us.

Finally I find what I think it’s the right house: a small villa with light yellow walls, surrounded by a beautiful garden. I get nearer leaning on the white fence: there are also two trees, a bench, a swing and a slipway. I can see two little boys playing. I can hear laughter form inside, a female one and my Oppa’s one. “She must be his wife and these their children” I think. It’s been twelve years since Oppa left and I could not call him so I really missed the sound of his laughter. I’ve hear it so many times in my dreams, but now it’s different: it’s real and more lively than before. “He’s really happy here” I think “I wish I could have my perfect life too”

I came back from my thoughts just in time to stop a ball before it hits my face. A second after one of the children, the younger, arrives

« I’m sorry » he murmurs

« It’s okay » I smile to him giving him the ball « Just be careful next time »

« Yes I will » the boy says « You have beautiful eyes »

« Thank you… oh, what is your name? » I ask

« Me? I’m Yuri Song » he answers smiling

« You shouldn’t talk so much with a stranger, Yuri; what if I am a bad person who wants to hurt you? » I don’t want to scare him but he has to be careful

« And are you a bad person? » Yuri asks taking a step back

I’m about to answer when the other child comes and stands in front of him facing me

 « Don’t talk with strangers Yuri » he says to his brother, then he talks to me « Who are you? What are you doing here? What do you want from us? »

« I was just walking around when I heard your father’s laughter and I stopped because it reminded me the one of a close friend of mine… Then I stopped your ball before it hit me and I gave it back to Yuri. Now I was warning him that he shouldn’t talk too much with strangers » I answered with a smile

« But you don’t look like a bad person » Yuri murmurs

« And I’m not Yuri » I smile to him « Can I know your name too? » I ask to his brother

« I’m Alexander » he answer

« Then Alexander, I think your father will be proud of you knowing how you want to protect your brother » I say

« Thank you » Ale smiles shyly

« That bracelet is so beautiful » Yuri says point the one at my right wrist

« Oh this! » I say. Unknowingly I started to play with it. It’s a back bracelet with some pedants: a dolphin, a whale, a fish, a starfish, an eagle, a wolf, a tiger, a dog and a horse. I take it off and I hand it to him « Do you want it? »

« Can I really take it? » Yuri asks surprised

« Yes. It’s to remember my advise » I smile

« Thank you so much » he smiles and takes it

« Ale, Yuri, come in! » I hear a female voice calling

« Mom it’s calling, we have to go » Ale says

« Bye and be good » I say

« Bye » they wave together and run inside. I look at them going in and then I walk away. I’ll visit Oppa tomorrow, now I’m hungry and sleepy.

I go back to Canberra and eat at the dorm. Then I go back to my room and immediately fall asleep.

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