Chapter 7

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*Niall’s POV*

I woke up and looked at the clock. Woah I slept in. Probably because I couldn’t fall asleep. I kept thinking about Martini and how I really liked her. It is about 1 in the afternoon.

I get up and shower. I come back to my room and put on a pair of sweats and a shirt. I will be changing for my date later. I then run downstairs to get breakfast and I am greeted by the lads. They all like the idea of me having a girlfriend. I just hope none of them get feelings for her.

“Anyone hungry?” I say walking into the kitchen. They all said no but Liam. Liam had been through a bad breakup a few months ago so he gets pretty sad looking when we speak of girlfriends.

I put in four waffles. All for myself of course. Then I made Liam two in the toaster as well.

“So mate, do screw this up tonight?” Liam said laughing.

I laughed, “What? Well I will try, but you know how I get around pretty girls”

“Shut up Niall you are always really good around girls!” Liam said smirking.

I looked at the ground, “Hopefully I will be tonight.” I half whispered. He laughed and patted me on the back.

Liam finished eating and put his dirty dished in the sink. I was still eating. I pulled out my phone it was only a little after 1. I finished up and went to see what the boys were doing.

“Lads, guess what?” harry said smirking.

“What?” Liam, Zayn, and I said in unison.

“We got new neighbors yesterday! Well sort of they live like somewhat close to us. Right there.” Louis said pointing out the window.

“We should bring them a house warming gift!” Liam said.

“Yeah that would be very nice! Liam want to go get one with me? We can all bring it over when we get back?” Zayn asked.

“Sure lets go,” Liam said while putting his shoes on. They had left. They should be back at around half after 2.

I went and sat down next to Harry and Louis to watch some telly.

Soon enough Zayn and Liam got back. “Do you think they will like it?” Liam asked.

It was a basket with fruit and bread and all sorts of stuff.

“It’s the perfect combination of food!” I said trying to grab it. Everyone laughed.

“They will love it!” Louis said picking it up.

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