Chapter 1

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Weiss's p.o.v
"You have visitors" Ruby whispered in my ear.

"Have Blake Bring them in" I replied.

She nodded her head then talked into her ear piece.

"Blake bring them in" Ruby said.

Its been about a year since I took over the business, two years since we graduated, and four years since I've had a crush on Ruby. We've come extra close since she agreed to be my personal guard/servant sorta thing i don't know what to call it but your probably thinking why did we go to become huntresses if this is were we end up well a year before we graduated we were the best that Beacon had to offer so even to this day we still get phone calls for team RWBY to be on a mission.

We've all grown up. We all just turned 26 except for Ruby she's 24.

"What's up Weiss" Nora said until Ren nudged her.

"I mean good evening Miss Schnee" she corrected.

"It's ok Nora. It's good to see you guys again" I replied.

"Anyways we came to send a message from Ozpin" Jaune said stepping from behind Pyrha.

Oh ya Jaune and Pyrha got together just like Ren and Nora a few years back.

"Alright I'll let every know when do we need to be there?" I asked.

"Three days time" Jaune replied.

"Well since your here would you like to stay for dinner?" I asked my friends of team JNPR I front of me.

I stood from my chair and motioned for Ruby to come here. She came out of the shadows from behind me.

"Call up Blake and Yang tell them we have somethings to discus" I whispered to Ruby.

Over the years Ruby has become more mature she still is the same ole Ruby just now that she has a job protecting someone she takes it more seriously and has gotten a little quieter.

"Woah Ruby your like a silent ninja!" Jaune practically yelled.

"Hey Jaune it's good to see you again" Ruby smiled.

Then talked into the ear piece.

"Blake could you tell my sister that we have a RWBY meeting later?"

"Would you like to relax, play games, ect. While we catch up?" I suggested.

"Of course" they all said in unison.

We all walked to the entertainment room where there's a huge tv, couches, pool table, foose ball table, air hockey almost anything you could think of.

Ruby followed close behind me which I liked a little more then I should.

We walked into the room to see Blake and Yang playing on the ps4 yelling at each other saying the others cheating like a bunch of 6 year olds.

Nora and Ren went to the air hockey table, while Jaune and Pyrha went to join Blake and Yang in there game. I went to sit in a chair.

"Do you need anything Weiss?" Ruby whispered to me.

"No thank you Ruby" I said and continue watch my friends have fun.

Yang p.o.v

"Alright fine you win this time Blakey but I'll get you back for this" I said to my girlfriend before giving her a kiss on the cheek then handing my sister the controller.

I looked and saw Weiss just sitting and enjoying us mess around she has a smile, she's been happier since we all have been friends especially around Ruby and ya I know she has a crush on Ruby as much as Ruby has on her.

"Damn you Blake! Why are you so good at this game!" Ruby yelled.

"Yang there's something or someone at the entrance get Blake and tell Ruby to stay close to Miss Schnee"

"Copy that on my way" I said into my ear piece.

I walked behind Blake and Ruby.

"Blake come with me we have a problem at the front entrance, Ruby stay close to Weiss be on alert" I whispered to them.

They both stood up Blake walked with me we looked at Weiss she just nodded her head and Ruby walked over to Weiss and stood to the left of the chair.

We walked out the door and rushed to the situation.

Ruby's p.o.v

Team JNPR were so consumed in there game that they didn't notice what was going on which was good.

"Ruby is Weiss ok?"

"Yes she's fine I'm standing next to her" I said into my ear piece.

"How's Yang and Blake?" I asked. 

"There fine, they just got ride of the problem they should be back any minute"

"The problem has been eliminated" I whispered into Weisses ear.

"Thank you" she responded.

Blake and Yang both walked in.

"Alright it's about time for dinner if you would please follow me to the eating quarters" Weiss said as she stood from her chair.

Everyone followed her to the dinning quarters and sat down for dinner ready to discuss what's gonna happen next.
Hey guy and gals hope your enjoy stay tuned for more of The White Rose. TMM :)

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