Chapter Fifteen

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     Minda's hand gripped Aki's tighter as she led him through the woods, the trees closer together than before and clawing at their skin and tugging their clothes as they tried to escape. The snapping of the spiders grew louder as they scurried up along the path and along the trees fanning out to surround them. Aki would throw another Fireball when he was able, but it did not slow their assault. As they ran towards the center of the forest the roots were larger and stuck up above the ground, forcing them to stumble several times. They entered into a clearing exhausted and with burning chests. They looked back and the spiders had vanished; it was not a welcome sight to not know where they were. They glanced around with wide eyes as they gasped for air.

     "I do not like this area; it feels like we are not alone," Minda managed to say.

     "Is it them? Can you feel them?" Aki asked.

     "No. At least, I do not think so."

     "Yeah, nothing here except us and those weird tall shrubs." Minda looked into his eyes suddenly grasping what he said.

     "Aki, those shrubs have been everywhere in these woods."

     "Yeah, I know. I've never seen plants like them before."

     "Have you noticed that they are about as big as a Hume would be?"

     "What? No, that's crazy." He looked around at the small group off them; they did have an oddly Hume shape. "No, there's no way Rekes turned that many people already," Aki said as he walked over to them. There were five in a row but something about the fourth caught his attention. He moved back a branch and jumped back as his hand brushed against an eyeball protruding from the brush. Looking down thick wooden roots went into the ground where their legs should be. The branches grew in random patterns and he realized it had to do with what position their arms were in when the transformation finished. The leaves were dark green and like needles, seemingly growing from the Humes' existing body hair.

     "I see you've been snooping," a gravelly voice said from behind them. They spun around and saw a tall slender man standing on the rocky ledge above them. He leapt down mere steps away from them, causing them to stumble back. His skin was a light bronze color and he wore an emerald green leather coat with a forked tail. He wore it without a shirt exposing his toned hairless torso. He had on brown pants that he had fastened himself with stripes sliced into it to allow his legs to breathe. His long ivory hair flowed up over his head and down to his back and his matching bushy eyebrows furled over his light green eyes which were narrowed at Aki. His face had wrinkles across his forehead and under his eyes and he had a faint sliver of a scar running down his left eye. His ears were little longer and pointier than Minda's and his right one was missing the tip.

     "Rekes," Aki gasped just above a whisper. The Elf's snarl turned into a brief chuckle. As he moved closer Aki became painfully aware of how much taller Rekes was, his body blocking the sunlight from his view giving and him a sinister halo. Aki cleared his throat. "What have you done these people?" he asked overly confident motioning to the nearby shrubs.

     "Oh, you've never seen Magic like this before have you? And you, you filthy half-breed? You neither?" he asked glancing at Minda. Her face flushed and she gritted her teeth angry but not willing to retaliate. "It is a very old complicated Magic that was developed by Elves, Orcs, and Humes. As much as hate anything having to do with you people, at least you were able to be somewhat useful to my cause."

     "Just what is your cause?" Minda asked meekly.

     "Why revenge, of course," he calmly stated. "For too long the Humes have wrecked this land. First they chase the Orcs into their little corner, and then they scorch our lands and enslave us as their meager little servants. They rape our women, even breed with them," he glared at Minda again. "I say enough is enough. If they will not give us our land back, then I will make them apart of it. Every man, woman, and child living in their safe little towns will become this, and once more the forests will thrive. No more will Humes burn this land, no more torching the woods to make more cities, no more petty wars scorching the earth. No, the Elves will rule this land again, and I will be their king."

     "Your plan is to turn people into plants?" Aki asked disgusted. Rekes walked over to the nearest shrub and took out a long dagger. He sliced off what would have been a hand and a thick red sap oozed from the wound.

     "They are still alive. They keep their mind and their feelings. They will know what it is like to have to watch the world they know wither away around them. They will be forced to watch the earth be trampled and burned before their very eyes. And they will learn that the earth feels just like they do. It knows fear, it knows pain, and it knows anger. They will learn the error of their ways by becoming the very thing they have abused for generations."

     "Please, you have to stop this," Minda asked quietly shaking her head. Rekes turned back to face her.

     "I don't expect some dirty half-blooded city Elf to understand what it's like out here in the wilds. You know nothing of land being sacred. You can't even hear nature's voice. No, you have turned your back on your own kind, instead concerning yourself with the well being of our enemies."

     "That's enough!" Aki said readying his staff. Rekes let out a low soft laugh.

     "Please. Boy, you have already lost." Rekes pointed at him and then made a fist. Aki felt a sharp sting on the back of his neck and saw what looked like an acorn fall in front of him. He bent over and saw that it was one of the green spiders, but it was dead lying on its back with its legs curled up. He touched the back of his neck and had a small spot of blood on his fingertips.

     "What did you just do?" Aki asked desperately. He began to feel dizzy.

     "You have until the nextfull moon boy. I dare say that you won't be in any shape to challenge me to oneof your petty little battles. But ifyou survive seek me out once more." Aki fell to his knees and began to dryheave. His vision began to narrow and he could not hear Minda shout to him. 

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