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Damian stood in the middle between his father and his older brother, which ever person he picked it would make a big impact good or bad. One thing he couldn't understand is why they cared so much, why were they fighting over someone like him.

It was dead silent and Jason, Bruce and Di stood tense in anticipation. Jason had a look of fierce determination but underneath he was scared, Damian was only with him for a short while but he had grown protective over him and he made him feel..... wanted and he hadn't felt that in a long time

Bruce was feeling confident, Damian can't stay with Jason he's his son. Even if he could tell that they had developed a shockingly close bond over the two weeks Jason took in his son, he's been alone for so long it's only a matter of time till he messes it up.

As Damian stepped foward to his father, Bruce smirked but Jason gat a hurt look on his face but replaced it with an emotionless face, "Ok Damian lets g-" Bruce said as Damian hugged him but he interrupted.

"N-no father....... this is goodbye......" Damian whispered as he hugged harder and let go staring up at his father's shocked face. Dick's face went into a relieved expression and Jason's jaw dropped and Damian turned around with a small smile.

"Wow Todd that look on your face is hilarious, why so shocked huh?" He said as he ran to Jason and gave him a hug. Jason snapped out of his shock and smiled the biggest smile they had seen on his face in a long long time.

"Yeah let's go home Dami..." He whispered joy in his voice


Early updates are the best aren't they?



It's so cute ^^


- Magictwist377


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