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A/N - Disclaimer - I don't own M.I High

Chap 3 - Interrupted

Tonight was the night of the end of school dance. Daisy couldn't wait Blane had told her that he would pick her up at seven. She had picked the perfect dress out and couldn't wait for Blane to see her in it. Their relationship was not exactly defined. Yes they had both in some way admitted it that they liked the other, if it was in words or actions they had both done it. She just wished they could define what it was, were they actually a couple or were they just a fling.

She was standing in front of her full body mirror in her luxury room. She wanted to look perfect, and she couldn't help but admit she did. The theme of the dance was a ball so all the girls wore long beautiful dresses and the boys wore tuxedoes.

Daisy had chosen to wear a blood red dress. It was a boob tube cut but slightly altered, it had a small silver circular ring in the middle of it and then there was an oval shaped cut in the dress that showed off a very generous amount of cleavage. The oval went back up and connected onto the sides of the ring that held the top of the dress together. The top of the dress was tight showing off her size 10C breasts, it showed off her skinny figure and then fell down around her legs until it came to the ground. There was a slit up either side of the dress stopping just before you could see her underwear but showing off her perfectly shaped full legs. She had silver thong/sandal like high heals on and a pair of silver hoop earrings. She had her hair dead straight and left down framing her face. She wore just the right amount of makeup and she couldn't help but notice that there was a twinkle in her eye. She hadn't seen her eyes twinkle like that for a long time. Now she was making true friends she hoped it stayed that way.

She glanced over to the clock on her wall and gasped it was nearly seven, Blane would be here any minute.

Quickly running out of her room she ran through the empty halls not having any trouble running in heals seeing as she wore them a lot.

Blane had just finished getting ready, he now had fifteen minutes to get to Daisy's house to pick her up.

The boys were meant to wear tuxes tonight but when he put the one tux that he owned on he quickly decided it didn't look right and look off the jacket leaving him standing in his black pants and white dress shirt that was lazily half tucked it and half hanging out, he had rolled up the sleeves so they were above his elbows and he had left the top two buttons undone so it showed off some of his muscular chest. He was suddenly glad that he had taken up lifting weights and training at such a young age for it had defiantly paid off in the long run. He put on his black shoes and forgot about the tie not wanting to look that daggy. He had spiked some of his hair so it looked like it did when he was on missions.

He grabbed the keys to his motorcycle ready to leave, having turned sixteen he had went for his motorbike licence straight away and passed with flying colours.

"Hey where are you off to in such a hurry" He heard his big brother ask in a teasing voice.

"School end of year dance" Blane said trying to get passed him

"Your going a bit early it doesn't start for a bit" He said still in that same tone

"I have to pick up Daisy first" Blane said simply

"A girlfriend is it" He heard his brother laugh

"Yea actually" Blane said smirking

Him and his brother were closer than anything, but they did like to tease each other every now and again.

"Well mum and dad are out for the night so if you are going to bring her back here then you don't have to worry about them humiliating you" He said stepping aside so Blane could get through

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