Chapter 6

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*** Roman ***

I sat and listened closely as Winter explained exactly what was up with her... What I heard I couldn't comprehend. She's... Not human. Not at all. I almost laughed when she told me, but then I looked in her eyes and she was totally serious. "So... Those black-outs... What are they?"

"Kind of like day dreams, but I pass out. It's really hard to explain."

I nodded slowly, taking all this information in. "So... If you're not human, what are you?"

"My mother is one of the fair folk, or faeries, and my father..." She sighed deeply, "His name is Victor. He is a very powerful Sorcerer in the dark arts. The most powerful in thousands upon thousands years. His Coven are called 'The Weavers' because of how they use their powers, they are also one of the most powerful of the dark Covens."

I stared at her, not being able to keep up with the speed she was at. Jason hadn't told me anything about the other species' except for the little he knew about werewolves. 

She dropped her head, "You know nothing about them, do you?" I shook my head. 

"Well Roman, it's story time, are you ready?" I nodded and prepared myself mentally. 

*** Winter ***

I looked at Roman, wondering how much he didn't know. I was tempted to read his mind but I hated reaching into peoples minds like that... Unless I had to. So I began the tale.

"I don't know much about these things, just the stuff about my species'. The Fair Folk are very reserved. My mother is the queen. Her name is Kaderin. My mother is heartless and cruel. They call her Kaderin the Hardened. She was once very caring, when she had me, but that was a long time ago. She lost me and hardened her heart. My father had stolen me to spite her because he thought I was a boy. When he realized I am, in fact, a girl, he put my into an orphanage in Italy. From there I went to Paris, London, Ireland, Germany, Egypt, Israel, you name it. I can speak almost every language known to man. But what no one ever noticed was that I never physically aged passed 18...

"I've spent years alone in foster homes and orphanages but, not one of the places I've been could handle me. You see, when I was young, I was a devil. I was evil and cruel. As my mother and father are. I've never had any friends who could handle me... There was one boy..." I felt my mouth curl into a smile at the thought of him, "Me and him would get in and out of so much trouble together. It felt like we had the world in our hands... Then he got arrested and..." I sighed and the smile fell from my face, "I haven't seen him since." I shook myself. "Anyway, back to history. The legend of the Fair Folk is that they are the offspring of angels and demons, beautiful and evil. No one knows if it's true or not but, they... er... We are evil. They can't lie either, I can because of my father, but none of the Fae can.

"Now, about the Sorcerers. My father is the head of his Coven, the Weavers. He is the most powerful Sorcerer in thousands of years, I inherited his powers, There are hundreds of different Covens, I don't know much about them. But yeah, I don't know much about them because my father had me for a total of... a week. If that." I shrugged and waited for him to respond.

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