15 1 1

Meg and I scrambled down the gravel drive towards the gate. We must look like eskimos with about 3 layers on under our oilskins. I can't see anymore than 2 metres in front of my face. I can just feel Megs pup, Scoot nipping at my heels. I've got the thickest pair of socks under my boots, but I can still feel the chill. The dogs can't help themselves but jump up at our halters that are hung down off of our shoulders. I love the sound of the bell like dinging of the metal parts on the halters, banging together as we huddle our way down to the paddock gate.

I reach forward and open the gate. Meggy passed under my arm and through into the paddock. I turn back and shut it. "C'mon Bear". I call down the paddock hoping he comes cantering. "C'mon Chucky. C'mon boys". Meggy yells. We both stop and listen to our voices echo down the valley and across the river. "Looks like we have to walk down and ride em back". I sigh. "Righteo. Let's go. We don't wanna be late for tonight". Meg grabs my arm and pulls me down the paddock.

The mist is just starting to clear now, so it should be a bit easier to spot them. There they are. Down in the corner, standing side by side munching on the fresh, morning grass. We made the rest of the way down the hill to where they were standing. I gave him a carrot to chew on while I slid the halter over his head. I swung the lead rope around his neck and turned to look at Meggy.

She was standing there next to chucky with her hands wrapped around his neck. She gave him a kiss and turned to me. "Well are you going to stand there and stare at me or leg me up. You can just find a rock and jump on. Bear's shorter than Chucky". Meg smiled. "Coming boss". I joked. I legged Meg up and found myself a big rock and clambered my way up onto Bear. I grabbed the lead rope and trotted up next to Meg. I turned and smiled at her. "Race ya!". I yelled as I got Bear into a canter. "Your on!". Meg excitedly screamed.

I turned to see Meg galloping her way up behind me. By now we were both galloping and the horses were loving stretching right out. I could hear Chucky's hoof-beats getting closer behind me. I turned to see her just behind Bear's flank. I kicked Bear into a whole new gear and he flew forward. But Meggy quickly caught up to me and we were side by side.

Every now and then, Meg's leg would smash into mine and I would let go of the reins and give her a little shove. Meg jumped out in front and I lent forward to make it easier for Bear and we shot forward. I got to the gate and slid to a stop, sending dust flying in all directions. I turned around just as Meg pulled up next to me and smirked. "I won!You lost! Ha ha!". I teased Meggy. She slid off Chucky and opened the gate. I rode through and waited for her to jump back on.

We walked over the gravel and onto the grass and up the hill. I slid off Bear's bum and tied him to the post. I walked into the shed and opened my truck door, sat down and turned the key. I backed out and turned around. The float was hooked up and everything was ready. "Alright Meggy, bring Chucky round now". I walked around the corner and untied Bear. We walked the horses over to the float and swung the lead-ropes over their necks. Meg and I stood side by side between them. Meg looked at me and I looked at her. "Ok, ready. 1,2,3. Load up boys, load up". Meg and I told the boys as they walked up the float themselves and started to eat the hay we had put into their hay-bags. "I'll get the door Meggy. You tie em up". Meg walked around to the door of the float and stepped inside. I shut the door and Meg then tied the horses. I did up the latches and walked around to the door. I peered inside to find Meg going back and forth to each horse giving them kisses and cuddles. "Come on lovebird. Don't wanna be late now". I teased her. "Whatever". Meg stuck her tongue out. She jumped out of the float and I clambered in. I gave both boys a kiss. "You look after Bear now don't you Chuck. Bye boys". I slid down and sat on the edge. "We all packed?". I looked at Meg who stood, leaning against the door of our gooseneck. "Yep". She smiled in approval. "Alrighty then. Lets hit the road".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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