Birthday Gone Wrong

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"Omg yesterday when tyrese asked me out, it was the best day of my life. It is going to be more better is finally my birthday". That is what I said to myself. Anyway I got up early to pick out what I was going to wear Because tyrese was taking me out somewhere and I really wanted to know where but then I was like let me wait. Anyway when everyone got up it was so loud that I didn't even get to say that it was my birthday. But I didn't care. "TYRESE"! I yelled out over all the loudness. "oh hey Brooklyn" he said with a big smile waving at me.

After that I went back up to my room to get ready. "knock, knock". "come in" I said once again, but I was hoping that it would be my boyfriend but it was the only sister in that family. "hi Brooklyn" Kammira said. "can I come in?" Kammira asked. "yeah of course" I said while I was looking at myself in the mirror. When Kammira walked in she sat on my bed looking sorry for me. Oh and by the way Kammira is 11 year old. "come sit I have to tell you something about you know who"kammira said. So when I walked over to my bed I was walking very slow because I was very confused and I had a feeling that Kammira was talking about tyrese. "OK Brooklyn I'm sorry to tell you this but tyrese wants to break up with you" Kammira said holding my lap. "wait what do you mean?, it is my birthday, WHY WOULD HE DO THIS TO ME?" I said yelling at her very loud. " "first of all you better bring it down before you get knocked out" she told me like I was scared of a 11 year old. "ok but why didn't he tell me" I said calming down a little. " because he didn't want to hurt your feelings and-" she said until I interrupted her saying "ok I understand" I said trying not to cry. I pushed her out my room and locked my door.

Then I started to cry alot. But then I took out my empty diary that my father gave me after my mother died. I took out a marker and my diary and wrote: dear diary my boyfriend just broke up with me on my birthday. And I know that I didn't need a boyfriend to live my life, but why did he have to break up with me on my BIRTHDAY!. Then I put my book back and promised that I would never talk to tyrese again. (but it was hard because seeing his cute face all the time is so hard not to talk to him) Anyway to be honest writing out my feelings in a book felt pretty good.

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