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Hello, and welcome to 'The Omega and the Rogue'. This is primarily Gabriel and Yuri's story, as you can probably tell from the description (subject to change). They meet in Chapter 23 of 'The Alpha and the Outcast', and since this is the second book in the series you should definitely read that one first.

This is only a very short prologue, but it's very late and I just wanted to get this out there and show you all that there is a sequel in the works. I should get started on this properly within the next few weeks, hopefully, once I finish up with 'The Alpha and the Outcast'.

I'd like to dedicate this prologue to the amazing Writer-Chann, who made the awesome cover for this book, and who has been absolutely brilliant with motivating me. I know that this is beyond late and incredibly unfair considering your patience and your hard work on this awesome cover, but I hope that this goes some small way towards making that right, and the same to everyone else who has messaged me asking for an update over the last few months. Thank you so much :)

Hope you enjoy the prologue, and please vote/comment :)

Gabriel's POV

Hearing the gunshot from where I lay, breathless on the ground and mere feet away from Maxwell and Declan's snarling forms, I lifted my head only to see a wave of wolves follow Malcolm Nolan into the house. I let my head fall back to the ground for a second, willing my strength to return. Maxwell and I had always been near equally matched, and while I had won the last time we'd fought, all those years ago, this time the victory was his.

God, I hope Nicholas is alright. He was obviously not able to give the signal, but he may still be alive. Either way, I owe it to the kid to at least try and save him.

With that thought, I sprung to my feet and waved my rogues forward towards the house, moving to the side to find room to shift myself. I was just about to let the shift take me over when I caught a strangely familiar and enticing scent and I froze, fixed to the spot. I had caught a light whiff of this same heavenly scent when I had fought Maxwell in the undergrowth, but had dismissed it because it had been so weak. Now I wondered how I had ever had the ability to do so.

It smelt of vanilla, coconut and rich chocolate, and the scent was also distinctly male. The male part was no problem to me, not since I'd realised I was bisexual as a teenager, and while it might have been an issue in another pack to have a male Luna, that was hardly the case amongst rogues. My mate also seemed to be an Omega, though that mattered little. As of yet, my pack had yet to admit an Omega, but this was my mate, and he would have anything he desired as my Luna.

Nostrils flared, I followed the scent in my human form, too overwhelmed to shift despite the dangerous environment. It took me less than five minutes to find the source of the beautiful smell- a small huddled form, ducked out of the way close to the side wall of the house. Not a warrior then, I thought to myself. Not that it mattered, really. After all, I was a strong enough warrior for the both of us, more than capable of defending my small mate.

As I drew nearer, still under the spell of the glorious scent, I finally got my first glimpse of the mate I never thought I'd meet.

He seemed short, and incredibly thin and fragile-looking. Although his head was buried in his knees, which were drawn up in front of him, I could see that his scruffy hair was a pretty sandy-blond color, and his visible skin was lightly tanned, although it had an unhealthy greyish cast that made me frown. Also, to my shock, my mate appeared to be quite some years younger than me, looking to be no more than a teenager.

I inhaled sharply at this new revelation, and my mate's head snapped up with a fearful whine that made me want to rush to his side and protect him from all evils. I held myself in check, however, eyes raking hungrily over his face. My mate had light freckles, sharp cheekbones, a small cute nose, and brilliant hazel-green eyes. Eyes that widened at the sight of me, nostrils flaring as he inhaled my scent.

"Mate," he mouthed silently with plush pink lips, frozen in place.

I gave a rare smile, although it began to slip as I slowly noticed that my mate's fear seemed to be increasing instead of vanishing with this realisation.

"Yes," I agreed emphatically, "Mate."

Without warning, my small mate sprung up and shifted on the spot, shredding his worn jeans and raggedy t-shirt. Shaking with fear and adrenalin, my little mate fled towards the house and the fighting, in the opposite direction to me, his mate.

It took me several seconds to recover, a gaping hole already forming in my formerly frozen heart, but by the time I had shifted and ran after my little mate, his scent was already lost to me amongst the dozens of wolves attacking the Clancy house.

In despair, I tilted my head back to the moon, howling in desolation and pain.

I will find you, mate. We belong together.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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