chaper 5 :School Continue

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Chrissy POV
yah (smoothing voice) i have other plans we could do it tomorrow are if any come up and plans are change then i will call you and

we'll see OK.

Tina POV
It is good. But what time about 8 or what.

Ashley POV
that's good

Chrissy POV
it is.

Nick POV
I walked in the school and want to my locker which is right next to Chrissy and out of no where her friends came running to her . First

of all they mad sexy but not my type (in my head) I'll got no type thicker bitch is the only thing that i like but her friend is not what i like

Well they were talking about going to the movie on Saturday at 8 i was confused because that's our night of being to get for when we

were like 7 and she was six we watch movies together and talk about our future no! i walked up to them and ask her what about our

Saturdays together did you forgot about that .

Chrissy POV
i did forgot and i want to go with my friend for a change please we could do it all of next week Friday and Saturdays please.

Nick POV
okkk just one.

Michael POV
me and Nick got our stuff and want to our first class. Also Chrissy and her friends.

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