3am Thoughts

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What's the point of life? Why are any of us even alive. Life is pointless its nothing but a struggle and a heartbreak. We hurt people and in return people hurt us. We run around doing things that supposedly make us happy. Drinking smoking going to parties. Most people don't even go to parties for fun they go to get drunk or do drugs to numb whatever pain there feeling. That's the sad part life has become so boring and meaningless the majority of the population does nothing but spend their whole lives numbing pain other people inflict on them or searching for the person that takes away that pain and makes them happy. that's pointless too though because all that happens is they string you along make you fall madly in love with them then break your heart so your left standing there with all the pieces wondering what to do with your life next. Some people find true love that lasts forever and that's why as bitter as I am towards love I will still always believe in it and I will never give up on it either. No matter how many times I get my heartbroken I'll still keep searching for my soul mate. Maybe I'll find him or maybe I'll end up being a crazy cat lady who dies alone only time will tell. If your lucky enough to find your soul mate I hope your smart enough to never let them go. At the end of the day love is all human beings really have. It gives us a reason to live and work through the hardships of life and to keep going when we just want to end it all.

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