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June 17, 2020

"Over and over again. Do you even hear me you-- Hello", she screams at the drunken man on the floor. "You're a piece of shit you know! Why the hell did I fall in love with a complete ugh? I can't do this!" She throws a pillow at the drunken man on the floor. The man struggles to stand but collapses back on the floor. He has obviously been beaten really bad and has been drugged or just drunk a lot, but his wife refuses to see.

"B-ba-be... please help..." the man passes out on the floor.

"Babe! Oh my god now I got to take you to the damn hospital thanks, bitch!" She says rolling her eyes not really caring if her husband is okay or even fully alive. "You know see no one told you to go out last night. I actually begged you to stay home I wanted to have some 'fun' because we haven't had 'fun' in awhile. But, no you insisted on going you're such an ass you know that you really are" she continues to say as she helps the nearly lifeless man into the car and drives to the hospital.

2 hours later the man is resuscitated and is able to speak.

"You're a bitch please just kill yourself! You're the worst person I ever married and you know I've married a lot of people. You're an abusive wife, mother... well... well step mother! And, just an abusive person overall. I hate you so does everyone else. I only married you because of your parent's money and your past job, which came to me owing you over 50 million dollars. I married you so I wouldn't have to pay my stupid debt." He screams at her.

The woman begins to cry and injects the needles the doctor left on the doctor's table into her arm.

"Fine, I'll do it I'm done 1,2,3,4,5,6, i" she says picking up needle one.

"What are you doing?" He questioned.

"What you told me to do" her voice begins to get faint "I love you, I just, but i cant do this anymore." the woman begins to stumble around.

"See you soon you are not dying not yet not now DOCTORS!" He yells for the doctor.

The doctors rush into the room and see the woman inject the needle in her arm and 6 empty vials on the floor.

Grab her and take her to B32 before we lose her quickly!"

They take her to an odd wing of the hospital many people who come to the hospital hardly ever seen, people only see this wing unless their lost. The card on the door was blue but not dark but a happy sky blue. The card read B32 in big dynamic black letters. Underneath the card number in smaller print said "everything is going to be alright CRAZY."

The room was huge and had 10 different rooms the woman could see as they took her down to her room. The woman was placed in a circle room 8. The walls were a violet color very calming. There was a large brown fuzzy couch; on the farthest wall from the bed, and on the walls there were many posters of encouragement and peaceful things. One poster caught the crazy woman's eye. The poster said
"Don't think the end is near, because if you do you just put it there"
"Why am I here God why am I here", the woman said questioning the strange doctors with the same color scrubs as the color on the walls with bright yellow smiling faces stickers on them.
"1 cc of morphine," one doctor says.
"1 unit of blood stat" another doctor ordered.
"Pass me the blue syringe now" the next doctor demanded.
The doctors injected three needles in to the woman's arm first the morphine, then the blue syringe, lastly they drew her blood. The blue syringe was used to put the woman to sleep.
3 hours later the woman wakes up in the same color room but everything wad different all the posters and the couch. Instead of the posters scattered on the wall there was a giant tv with a motivational speaker talking on a constant loop. Where the couch was the bed the woman was laying on. Instead of a mini fridge there was a table two chairs and a microwave.
"Babe where is my fucking coffee... babe... honey where are you... Hello you gonna answer me." The woman screams "wait where the hell am I" as a doctor walks into her violet hospital room and pulls out a packet of papers in her lap.

"Hello ma'am you attempted to kill yourself for the 5th time it's not unusual for someone with your past but anyway, before we discus this your husband almost died do you have any idea what happened to him?" The doctor questioned her kindly.

"How the hell would I know the night EVERYTHING happened told him to stay home 'cause my 6th sense was high, very high as it is shown on my record my senses are uncontrollable an there isn't anything anyone can do about it. But, he left he insisted! He told me he had to go I don't know why but he left and came home in that horrible condition. My guess he went out got drunk probably took a l of something or pop some pills and git in a fight and lost like the pathetic loser he is. Average Saturday night routine of a 21 but he is damn 55 years old and I'm 41 he should be more mature by now but I guess not!" She says I a sarcastic rude voice.

"Ma'am your husband had high levels of drugs in his system but the drugs could not be detected. Your husband was drugged or on drugs do you know anything about drugs in his past?" He questioned sounding very concerned.
The woman responding to his question hesitantly "No, not, we'll maybe he used to be a drug dealer for the state to keep everyone normal bur not people like me but he found away well I helped him alter the drugs but not truly knowing what he was doing with the altered drugs. They had very different effect from the state regulated ones. You see some of the effects I remember were extreme intoxication or just plain old high, mad, sad, and depressed, and 6th sense. The drug he used on me which has a very high and strong effect on my normal 6th sense that's why doctors can't regulate me it's a mutant drug. I remember something else he got an email it was very threatening email two months ago it said give us what we want or pay the price. But yeah that's all I remember, well and know."

"Well your husband is in much better condition now," the doctor says cheerfully "couple broken bones do you want us to replace them or let them just heal on there own. "

"I don't fucking care or give two shits about him right now! I'm tired way to tired to deal with any more of my husband bull shit." The woman demands for the doctor to leave while pointing to the door.

The doctor walks towards the door but then stops and turns around to face the woman, "Ma'am do you know what the colors red, violet, blue, pink, green, and grey actually mean." He says as he approaches her bedside.

"Nope! Actually never," the woman responded "well, the color are for different things; Red means mentally and physically insane, blue means extremely depressed, pink way to happy where everyone even doctors consider you crazy, green deathly sick but your not dying well not yet, grey there is just something not right with you like you have an extreme fetish for a lack of a better word with drugs and dead people, violet the room your in -- unstable." The doctor says as leaving the room leaving the woman very confused.

" i just want my husband! i just want my husband please! i'm not unstable how am I unstable what the hell! i'm not supposed to be here get me out of here please someone help me" the woman screams in fear then an hour later she falls asleep from exhaustion.

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