Chapter One

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Hey Guys! I was having a little trouble coming up with more story for my other book, My Brother's Best Friend so I'm going to take a little break and write this story for a while. I kept writing it and writing it but I didn't like any of it, so here I am trying to clear my head with a completely different story. Thanks for reading ;)

When I was thirteen, only 4 years ago, something happened that would forever change my life. It all started when my dad asked if I wanted to go fishing with him over the weekend, which I obviously said yes to because I was a major daddy's girl back in the day and would go anywhere with him. It was a long weekend, so we packed up the car and drove down to the lake. The first part of the day was amazing, we spent so much time together on the boat, talking and laughing about old stories. That night we were roasting marshmallows over the fire and a man, obviously drunk, stumbled out from the bushes, holding up a handgun. What happened next was so sudden, but it was forever engraved in my head. Nobody forgets the death of their father, especially when it was to save yours. He jumped in front of the bullet and it hit him in the head, killing him instantly. I remember standing up and running to the bushes, partially falling into them. Then the drunk man yelled,

"Jesus! Lucy get your ass back here!" I was instantly confused because my name is Georgia, not Lucy. Then the pieces fit together, he didn't know that I wasn't Lucy, he was drunk and was looking for someone else. I was instantly angry, at the guy for killing my dad. To this day, I still secretly feel angry toward Lucy, if she even was in those woods, she could have saved my dad. It could have been her instead of my dad. That is one of my guiltiest thoughts, a thought that will never leave my head.

I sat in those bushes for the rest of the night and the entire morning, silently crying, using all my might not to sob. All I could do was look at my dad. I wanted to run to him, thinking there could be a chance that he was still alive, but knowing he wasn't because of the fact that he was shot in the temple, instantly dying. As much as I wanted to go to him, and I really wanted to, I also didn't want my dad's death to go to waste. He died saving my life and I was not about to expose myself to that psycho. 

Returning to school was absolute hell. My mother died when I was younger due to cancer, and my dad later remarried to a very nice woman, Mary, that I very much approved of. It was her evil daughter, Allison, that to this day, made me want to seriously hurt myself. She told everyone at school that I killed my dad. I don't understand why everyone believed her since the real story was printed in all the local newspapers. I also do not understand why she would go out of her way to pin me to the crime. She, too, really liked my dad, and had grown quite close to him before he died. The reason she didn't come with us that weekend was because she was at a national skating competition. My dad and I never really like skating and since it was all the way across the country in New York, we decided to go camping instead.


I open the door to South Hill High School with headphones in, listening to 21 Pilots, keeping my head down. I was hoping today that nobody would remember me, just forget about me. It would be a better alternative to what happened when they did notice me. The names, taunting and the pranks. The pranks were the worst by far. The worst by far was when Allison and her posse taped pictures of my dad and me all over the school with the word, 'killer', all over them. 

I began to turn my locker combination when someone shoved my back. I turned around to see who had done it, and it was Jake, Allison's boyfriend. Great.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Please don't shoot me!" he said. That was clever. It's not like I haven't heard that one before. I just turned around and looked into my locker, closing my eyes and exhaling. I have one year left, I can make it through senior year. In closing my locker, I found the sign I had missed on the outside of my locker. Again it was another picture of my dad. The one I kept in my bedroom, my prized possession. It was of my dad and me on my 12th birthday. It was after everybody had left, and my dad and I just sat on the swings in our backyard. We were both laughing really hard, not even noticing Mary had taken a photo. Of course, I knew it was Allison who taped it to my locker because nobody else at this school had access to my bedroom. Looking at the photo now, it had x's drawn over my dad's eyes, and a gun was drawn to his head, and little blood splatters had been drawn onto it as well. A tear sprung to my eye, and soon it wasn't just one, but many. I ran to the bathroom, still looking down at the photo. Before I knew it, I crashed into somebody, causing me to drop the photo.

"Oh, um, sorry. Here, let me grab that for you." It was a guy, great. He would probably make fun of me too when he saw the photo, so instead of staying to hear the rest of the humiliation, I side stepped him and continued sprinting to the bathroom.

Once I got into the bathroom, I began to bawl my eyes out. To make matters worse, I forgot to read what bathroom I went into. When I saw the urinals, I only cried harder because life was hard, and I hated it. I ran into one of the stalls and stood on the toilet seat to that if anyone looked, I would not be discovered. It was next to impossible to stop crying, but as someone walked in, I somehow managed to settle my sobs into sniffles.

"So, lunch?" The guy outside the stall says.

"Yeah, Allison will love it. She's been getting angry at me lately for 'going easy' on Georgia. It's not my fault that I don't want to be rude to her. I feel so bad for her man, her dad gets killed and everyone treats her like she did it, tormenting her, just because they are afraid of Allison." The other guy responds.

"Dude, you don't want to piss off Allison. Plus, she's hot, and, like Georgia's not, so you sacrifice one for the good of all, right?" The first guy says, and I hear a slap. The part about me not being pretty does not come as a surprise to me considering the fact that I wear my hair up in a bun every day and I wear baggy jeans and shirts. The less noticeable, the better. I like to think that I was good looking before, but now I don't see the point. Who am I impressing, the guy who shoves me, or the girl that ruins the only photos I have left of my dad? The conversation leads me to think that the guy who feels bad for me is actually Jake, considering how they are talking about Allison.

"I don't know man, is how attractive the girl is all that matters? Isn't there some quote about inner beauty?" Jake says.

"Dude, who even are you? Since when is the ass not the pass?" the second guy says as I hear them leaving. As soon as I hear the door shut, I think to wait until class starts before leaving the bathroom and calling Mary to come pick me up because I felt "sick", when in actuality, I was just terrified what Jake was planning for lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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