Chapter 3 - Doin' Just Fine

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Babe, this is amazing! You did this for me?" Nathan says once finished studying the first picture in my album.

"I did this for seven years of us, Nath," I say with a huge smile on my face. He leans down and quickly pecking my lips.

"Woah, you have a picture from that day?!" he asks, pointing at a picture of me on the day we met. Next to it is my abortion certificate that they gave me right before I left the hospital and bumped into Nathan. "That's mint, Babe!" he exclaims. I roll my eyes. Boys and their slang, eh?

"Well I'm glad I do because that was probably the best day if my life!" I admit, lying down next to Nathan as my memories swarm my mind.


"Take it easy, now," the nurse kindly advised as she held the hospital door open for me. I quietly thanked her and placed my crutches in front of me and swinging my legs forward. The first place I thought of going to was the park since my parents understood that I needed time to myself. I still couldn't accept the fact that Tyler was out my life and, although I hated his guts, I kind of missed having a boyfriend as close as him.

"Go.. To the end of the road. It's unnatural. You belong to me. I belong to you..." my phone sounded. That was my new ringtone for Tyler since we were finished. I decided to answer the call. I didn't want him back but i did once love him so why not let him waste his breath?


"Baby, please take me back. I can't stand not having you near me. Please, you have to understand that i didn't know what I was doing! It was one night!"

This was getting tiring. "Tyker, I told you before. You've broken my heart and I don't want you back. Forget it," I argued, ready to hang up on him.

"Wait! Baby, please!"

"Stop calling me that, Ty. Stop calling me!" I begged, hanging up. Tears streamed down my face and I literally broke down. I fell to the ground and brought my knees to my chest before sobbing into them. I couldn't take the heartbreak any longer. He was my first boyfriend, the father of my aborted child. But he just threw it in my face and slept with Slut Of The Year. I hated both of them. Next time Tyler would call me, I'd ignore the call. I kept telling myself it would be fun to trick him into thinking I was giving him another chance, but I only upset myself more.

Someone ran up to me and tried to comfort me. Despite their kind intentions, I really didn't want ir need company at that moment. Strong hands rubbed my back and a minty, warm breath blew on the back of my neck. I looked up and saw a gorgeous teenage boy around my age with a messy, curly hairdo. He wore a loose white shirt and ripped jeans since it wasn't particularly cold outside. His eyes caught my attention first: they were a beautiful blue/green that captured light and reflected his boyish charm. His mouth - a perfect light pink set of a thin upper and fuller lower - turned up as our gazes locked. "Hello," he said, still smiling.

"Hi," I breathed, smiling back. "How are you?"

"I'm very well, thank you," he replied. His accent was adorable and although his words were formal, it sounded more genuine than polite. I loved it. "Are you OK?" he asked.

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I'm great... Thanks," I said while fimbling for my crutches.

"Here. Let me help you," the boy offered, taking my crutches and offering his hand. I took it with gratitude. As soon as our hands touched, sparks flew and my heart fluttered. Why was I thinking all of this? I'd just left the hospital, where I had had an abortion of the child my ex-boyfriend's unborn, unwanted child, and now I'd met another boy and all my feelings of heartbreak had discintegrated. "I'm Nathan," he told me once I'd got back on my feet with the crutches under my arms.

"I'm Amber." I shook his outstretched hand. "Hey, would you like to grab something to eat or take a walk or something?" I asked. I'd moved on much faster than I'd anticipated.

He grinned uncontrollably. "Yeah, I'd love that!"

*end of flashback*

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