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Zodiac // Sagittarius

Currently 11 years old

and is the most truthful cousin ever.

Brella is short for Gabriella .

But when we were younger, I would always call her Brella so it's just been like that ever since.

Everyone else calls her Gabby, or Bella. Or even just her full name.

Brella is definitely my most truthful cousin because she speaks what's on her mind 24/7. If she doesn't like someone then she'll straight up tell them or passively aggressively let them know.

When she found found out that I love One Direction, she started the trend of "Gay Direction" every time I mention them.

Also, when I told her that I love Lana Del Rey, She immediately said "Ew, who's that?" And so I was like, "An amazing singer" So she said, "Oh my god she sounds old". Knowing her age, I told her "Well she's only like 30" Which of course made Brella go "EW OH MY GOD ShE'S SO OLD"

So now, once I see her, she usually asks if I 'still like that old lady'.

Her constant mind speaking is constantly getting her in trouble and I have a feeling that in her future life that she won't last long if she keeps that up.  haha.

She is, whom I mentioned last chapter,  Aunika's  little sister. And although they're always fighting, like most siblings, they love each other.
And although I might not be able to see Brella as much, I'll still love her.

(written and finished on February 14th, 2016)

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