Hospitals and happiness

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Hey guys
It's me
Riley The Artist
I'm okay, I promise
Just a few cuts is all
I saw that Kindle told you everything
And I'm sorry I lied to you all
Now I'm at a psychiatric hospital and I'm doing better
The people here are really nice
They actually have really good food compared to what other people have
Well, I'm starting a new book since I know I'm gonna be here for a while
I'll post as much art as I can
But they don't really wanna give me pencils in case I stab myself
So please understand if my art is a little crappier then it normally could be

Okay, to wrap up what I'm gonna say
1) I'll still do art, but it's gonna not be the best
2) they are allowing me to have my social media, but I can't tell anyone where I am. Sorry but no visits
3) I'm starting two new books soon, one is a new art book after this one hits 200 parts and a new book, like a diary almost of my days at an insane asylum. It's gonna be directly related to my time at my new home, should I call it.
4) I'll be on all the time now, so I'll still be able to chat and whatnot, but excuse me if I'm gone for a day or two. If that is the case, Kindle will be the one updating and not me, but I think she can handle an introductory for a chapter

Anyway, that's all I really have to say right now
I'm a little tired due to the medicine the place is giving me so those books may have to wait till tomorrow but I'm fine
I promise
Now I may not be happy as always, but I'm alive and that's what matters right?
@ArticFionnaFox I loved your song and poem
An I won't take your Senpai away
I promise
But again
I'm fine
And I'm alive
So thank you for the people who actually care about me
I'm glad I have people who truly love me in this hell we call life
I'm glad I have friends on my side
But please
Treat me no differently then when you didn't know about the real me
I don't want my friendships to be closely related to my past
Like else says
"The past is in the past,"
And so, I'm working to forget it
But thank you
To everyone out there who stood by me
Who actually cared about me
And I'm here to tell you

I'm okay

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