Breakfast & Awkwardness (9/5)

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After exchanging the warm comfort of my bed for a chilly, dark September morning, I was wishing that I could just walk around with one of my fuzzy blankets around me. It wasn't even that cold, but compared with the heat a few days earlier, there may as well have been snow on the ground. I slowly got ready and grabbed my bag with the papers my dad had filled out and waited for him to come downstairs to drive me to the breakfast place. 

When we finally got there, everyone was sitting at the table except Alex and his family. I went and sat with Izzie, Max, and Dee, as I usually did, and something felt off. Max was sitting at the table, curled into his hoodie, looking like he was about to fall asleep, rather than trying to be the center of attention and bouncing off the wall like he would be at any hour of the day. I looked between Izzie and Dee and they both just shrugged and I reached toward Max.

"Hey, Max, are you ok?" I whispered softly as I gently rubbed his arm. 

"Fine, just didn't sleep good." was all I got as an answer before he pulled his hoodie over his knees and curled up more.

From there, breakfast got awkward and stayed quiet. Fortunately, my dad seemed to catch the tension between Max and I and drove Dee, Sean and me to school while I tried to figure out if I could fake food poisoning so I could avoid seeing Max. 

However, when I got to class, it became apparent that Max had convinced his dad to let him stay home instead, so I pressed on through the day and just took the bus home at the end of the day and curled up in my bed. 

My dad found me there when he was about to leave for his shift at the music shop and said, "Hey, kid, Zack said you didn't show up there after school, everything ok?"

I shrugged a little and whispered, "I dunno, I just feel weird today, I think I'd rather stay here." and he just nodded in response.

He left and I looked at my phone, no texts from Max, so either he wasn't at the shop, or he didn't want to see me there today. I sighed and pulled out my math textbook and got to work, barely remembering to fix myself dinner later that night since my dad's second job started immediately after the music shop closed. After that I curled up in front of my laptop and watched a movie until I fell asleep.

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