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Piya let Abhay into the cottage she had inherited from her mother.It was a cozy one,with three rooms,and Piya had a lot of sweet memories here with her mother.They all came flooding back as she entered.
"This is beautiful"murmured Abhay looking around.He walked towards the window and hesitated,then opened it,letting sunlight flood into the room.He could see a lake far below.The cottage was situated on one of the cliffs near Paradise Point."Does your mother live here?"
Piya's smile faded."My mother died some years ago.I inherited this from her."
"Oh,I am sorry"said Abhay.There was an awkward silence for a few minutes and then Piya said."U can live here.Till we figure out something or some way to help you.I don't think it'll be a good idea to let people know that u belong to a different time."She looked at him,at the loose strange shirt he was wearing."I guess we need to get u new clothes.And some food before that-"
"But I have no money with me"said Abhay,a little desperately.
Piya sighed."I guess we'll use my savings and then figure out a way to earn money."She frowned,again wondering why she was helping this boy."Uh,can you stay alone for a few moments?Um,try not to go out,Ok?I'll be back in an hour with food.And I'll bring my lappy,see if that helps us-"
"Bring what?"Abhay looked clearly confused.
Piya smiled,realizing that things were different from the world he lived in.For the first time,she felt a little bad for him,realizing how uncomfortably alien and terrifying all this was for him."A laptop."she said."It's a-well you'll see.I'll explain everything to you.Don't worry.I'll help you in every way I can."
Abhay's face broke into a genuine dimpled smile,and it took Piya's breath away.He lookedso innocent and handsome with that smile,and the way his blue eyes sparkled with relief made her melt.She smiled at him in return.
"Wait for me.I'll be back."
Misha was not at home when Piya reached.She was part of the college basketball girls' team and it she had gone for her weekend practice.Arnab was in his room in a conference meeting and Madhu was in the kitchen.Piya entered,remembering the intentions with which she had gone out.That seemed a lifetime ago.She doubted anyone in the house even knew that she had gone out.Not unusual,she thought dryly.But she had other things in her mind now.She hurried to her room and opened her cupboard,taking out the money she had saved all these years.Enough to buy Abhay some clothes,and some other necessities.She then took out her laptop bag and also put inside a diary and pen.Just then,her eyes landed on her old mobile.She no longer used it as it was too old,but she thought it would be a good way to be in contact with Abhay when they wouldn't be together.She rushed downstairs and exited the house,knowing that Madhu wouldn't care whether she was in the house or not.Her first stop was at a shop where she bought toothbrush and other such small stuff andalso some food.Her life seemed to have suddenly changed in the space of a mere few hours.And Piya liked this feel.It seemed to her to be a taste of a new life,a different life.As she came out and started making her way towards the cottage,she came face to face with Kabir,who was returning home."Whoa,Piya,slow down yaar"he said steadying her as she almost collided with him.
"Morning,Kabir"said Piya,slightly out of breath.
"Where are u rushing, so early in the morning? Finished the story? Giving it for publishing?"Kabir teased.
"Err no-I"
"Piya"Kabir said suddenly,as he remembered what he had seen in the morning."If u don't mind me asking,what were u doing today in Paradise Point? I saw u while I was jogging-with a weird-dressed boy. Who is he? Don't think I've seen him before."
Shit,Shit,Shit,Piya thought.He had spotted Abhay.Of all other people she knew,Kabir was the one to see them together.Piya hated this particular irritating trait of Kabir's.He always seemed too over-interested in her matters.Especially when it came to boys.
"U're right"she said coolly."U've not met him before. He's a friend from school u know? U weren't in my school,of course u wouldn't know.He's come to stay here for a few days, and he's staying at a relative's house.Just meeting after a long time."
"Oh,I thought I'd seen-"Kabir frowned then sensing Piya's disapproval,he immediately grinned at her."Hey,listen I almost forgot. My sister's leaving in two days for the US,U know?She got that job.So we're throwing a party for her tomorrow."
"Wow, that's great"said Piya,smiling."But-party?Kabir,ur father doesn't like parties."
"But he's away in Mumbai on that history seminar."Kabir said grinning."That's why we're taking advantage of the situation. Hey listen all are invited.U,Misha.I'll inform our other friends too. It'll be a great get-together! We haven't had a party for ages.U'll come,won't u? Tomorrow at seven.And bring ur friend along too"he added.
"Er,Kabir"said Piya,feeling alarmed."I don't think he's the party type-"
"Oh, come on yaar"said Kabir,frowning at her."Who doesn't want to meet new friends?Please Piya?Bring him also na?He'll have a good time.Please,for friendship sake?"
Piya sighed. She knew she was almost hopeless when it came to refusing her friends.And besides,she thought,doing some quick thinking,it wasn't as if Abhay would hide here forever.He would have to come out.In fact if he mixed with people,he might avoid suspicion."Ya,all right,I'll bring him."she said at last.
"Great,"said Kabir grinning.He gave Piya a friendly punch on the shoulder."See ya tomorrow then."
Johan collapsed to the floor in front of the time-machine,his shoulders slumped,his face in his hands.His dream was turning into his nightmare.He had to finish this machine as quickly as possible and bring his son back.He had seen the red wheel in the machine turn clockwise,which meant that Abhayendra had travelled to the future.If the wheel had turned anti-clockwise Abhayendra would have gone backwards.He pinched the bridge of his nose between his forefinger and thumb,Once he extracted information from the machine regarding the year he had gone to,he could easily work on bringing him back.He sighed.Right now he couldn't tell the king anything about this.His priority was to get his son back."God,please extend your helping hand"he whispered as he got up,his eyes filling with a determined glint."Be with me God.Help me bring my boy back.That is all I desire."
Siddharth frowned.He had a major problem in his plan.He did not know where his father's secret workplace was.Abhayendra had of course known,he was the one who was interested in his Father's work.He,Siddharth had never bothered,since it had all seemed to him, a waste of time,a fool's experimenting place.But suddenly,knowing the location seemed very important.He had to find out where it was.He needed,to destroy the time-machine. Meanwhile,he would win over Maithili's confidence,and in time,make her forget Abhayendra and win over her heart.Siddharth smiled devilishly.He would make sure Abhayendra never reached Maithili again.
Professor Ajay Rathod had just entered the seminar hall,when he felt a tap on his shoulder.He turned around and came face to face with Dr.Gupta,who had also come to attend the seminar.
"Good Morning,Professor"said Dr.Gupta with a smile."I heard from one of our very talented colleagues that you are working hard to clear one of history's mysteries?"
"Yes,I believe I may have achieved a breakthrough."Professor Rathod said in his deep voice."I've been visiting the ruins of the Pandher Kingdom and have been going through that manuscript recently discovered about the life of the Pandhers and I may have a solution-"
"Er,Professor,you do know there's some doubt regarding the authenticity of the manuscript?No documents of Pandher has ever been found,all destroyed when the kingdom was destroyed and now-"
"Yes,I am aware of that, Dr.Gupta."Professor Rathod said."But I strongly believe I have a solution to the mystery of how the kingdom was destroyed."He noticed the slightly sarcastic look on Dr.Gupta's face and he spoke again,this time with a hint of steel in his voice."I will merely be stating my opinions here.But I still need proof,Doctor.And proof I will find,by hook or crook.The mystery of Pandher has always fascinated me and I believe all mysteries are bound to have an answer.And when I have that proof"he drew himself to his full height,so that he was looking down at Dr.Gupta. " You will have no option but to believe me."

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