Chapter 3

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Marcel’s POV*

I hated being stuck at the house alone. It always felt empty here. Dad was always at the office. He was a harsh man. After mom died he lost it.  He forced my older brother Jake to leave. He practically blamed Jake  for moms death. Well and he beat him. I pulled my jacket off to see the bruises up my arm. Tears formed in my eyes. I hated it.  All of it. The bruises, the beatings, and the fact I have no family left who cares about me. Honestly, the only person I have right now is Ali. Ever since she stuck up for me, I feel like a whole different person. Well I know one thing for sure. I looked like a different  person.  Just as I began stripping, I heard a knock at the door. I jumped, remembering Amber was coming over for a study session. I quickly grabbed my hoodie, pulling it over my head and slipping on my black sweatpants. “Hi Amber. Come on in. I will be right back. You can go ahead and get set up on the bar.” I said hesitantly. I went to retrieve my phone out of my jeans, I had previously had on. There was no text from Ali.


Amber just got here. We will be an hour or so. I will text you afterwards.

I turned around to see Amber standing in the doorway. “I thought it would be more comfortable if we studied in here. It’s nice and warm. Plus your bed looks really comfy.” She said, making her way to my bed.  “Ermmm..... Okay? Let me go get our things.” I stuttered. I didn’t like her in my room. It felt weird and awkward.By time i came back she was sprawled out on my bed. Her short skirt was about to reveal more than what I wanted to see. She sat up, fumbling with her dark brown hair. “Come here Marcel. Let’s study.” She said in a persuasive tone. “Ermm..... Okay. We need to get started. I have a very important person coming over soon.” I said. I sat on the bed beside her. I pulled out the large Math book.  “Okay. First thing is. What do you all know in Math. Like what do you need help on?” I asked She just stared at me. Then. All of a sudden I was pinned down on the bed. “A..A...Amber...... What are you doing???” I stuttered. “I have always had a crush on you Marcel. I want you to be mine baby.” Amber exclaimed. She tried kissing me. I lightly pushed her off. She fell on the bed, looking at me with confusion. “What’s wrong? Am I not pretty enough for you?” She said, sounding sad. “No. Amber you’re beautiful. It’s just that you use to always torture me. You’ll only like me for my looks. Plus. I  like someone else right now.” I mumbled. “Oh. I see. Whatever you aren’t worth it anyways.” She said, storming out of my room. I was so confused. I wasn’t planning on telling Ali about any of this. She would be torn. I grabbed my phone. I flipped my phone open. scanning through the contacts. There it was Ali’s name.


Hey. Amber’s gone.

I waited patiently for her to reply.



That was quick? I will be over there in a bit. :)xx


There wasn’t much to teach her. Okay. Can’t wait to see you. (:

After that, no reply.

I was scared. I have never had a girl over before. Well, besides when Dixie and Kennedy came over uninvited and Amber. But I mean  girl I actually like. This was going to be so awkward. All my worst fears crept to the front of my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about all the things that could go wrong. I got so lost in my thoughts, I lost track of time. Ali was just now getting here. I heard a light knock at the door. I slowly moved toward the door. Ali looked beautiful. “Hi. Can I come in?” She said, blushing. “Oh. Uh. Yeah. Make yourself at home. I will be right back. Going to go get us some movies to watch.” I said.  I ran to my room, rummaging through my large collection of dvds. I found my favorite classics, “Grease”, “The Outsiders”, “Love actually”, and “Cry-Baby”.  I laid all four movies down on the coffee table for her to choose one. “Oh my gosh!! You like these movies too? Theses legit, are my favorite movies!!!” She exclaimed. “Haha. They are the best. So which one you want to watch first?” I asked. “Ermmm..... Love Actually.” She pointed out. I popped in the disc into the Blu-Ray dvd player, grabbed the remote, and turned on the flat screen tv. The surround sound filled the room. I sat down beside Ali on the black leather couch. She cuddled up next to me, laying her head on my shoulder. I drew in a sharp breath  as she laid on the bruises. “What’s wrong?” She asked. “ Ermmm.... Thats my sore shoulder.” I answered. “Oh. I’m sorry.” She replied. “No. It’s fine. You can lay down. I don’t mind” I said. She stared at me. I was lost in her beautiful brown eyes. I felt her hand push up the hoodie’s sleeve. I closed my eyes, not wanting to her reaction to the bruises. Her small hand traces over the purple and blue bruises. Her warm lips pressed to my arm. I opened one eye to see what she was doing. She studied the marks. “I....I ….I’m beat......”I mumbled, letting the tears fill my eyes. “Wh....What?” Ali murmured. “My dad beats me...... He has since my mom died.... My older brother Jake left me here all alone. He promised he’d come back for me and get me away from this horrible place, but he lied...... Ali. Before you stood up for me that day I was planning on coming home and  killing myself. I thought. Hey. What do I have to lose? It’s not anyone would care. But then you saved me. Giving hope. I realized there still is a few people out there who actually did care. Thank you.” I stuttered, crying, giving Ali a hug. She sat there speechless. We hugged for a few more minutes, until Ali broke the silence. “Marcel..... I am so sorry. You shouldn’t have to live like this. No one should. People do care about you. You may not know it, but everyone of those people who picked on you would feel like shit. Don’t give up on Jake. He is out there I bet still searching for a way to get you out of this mess. Marcel. It’s all going to be okay. I promise.” Ali reassured me. “Okay. I believe you.” I said, with a weak smile. The rest of the movie we cuddled up to each other on the couch. My eyes grew harder and harder to keep open as we got further into the movie. The last thing I remember is glancing down and seeing Ali asleep.

A loud clap of thunder woke me up. Ali was still cuddled up to me. I smiled as I watched her small body shift in her sleep. She looked cold. I carried her to my bed pulling the covers back, sliding her under them. I placed a small kiss to her forehead. “Good night Ai.” I whispered. She rolled over facing me. “Marcel?” She mumbled. “Hmm?” I hummed. “Will you come lay with me? I am really cold. I am use to my room being hot.” She said in a sleepy tone. “Oh. Ermm.... Yeah.” I stuttered.  I climbed into the king size bed. She cuddled up to me. I couldn’t help but smile. Her “Enchanted” perfume smelled amazing. With her body held close to me I felt complete. Nothing could ruin my night.

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