Part 4

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Guilt left a sour aftertaste in Julia's mouth and a pit in her stomach, making it difficult to keep her voice cheerful as she answered and transferred phone calls. Whit's parting words that morning, "You obviously don't know me that well, if this is what you thought I wanted," kept repeating through her head between callers. She began to half-halfheartedly prepare the on-boarding packet Veronica sent her--contract, Noble Formula questionnaire, payment plan--but she was pretty sure Whit would wad them up and toss them in her face if she tried to give them to him now.

And would he be right to do so? She wasn't sure. Just because they had shared an enjoyable cocktail--and a very enjoyable kiss--didn't necessarily mean they were meant for each other. And while she wasn't sure about Whit, she was very sure that she didn't want to throw away her potential career at Noble Matchmaking for a guy she had only really met the day before.

But there had been something in that kiss, something that hinted at so much more--hot nights and warm mornings, a lifetime of being cherished. Even as she began to fill out the top portion of the Noble Formula questionnaire with his basic contact information, she knew that Whit would be the kind of guy to take any relationship he was in seriously, and he would certainly honor any vows to have and to hold.

She stared at the pen in her hand in shock. Where had that thought come from? Julia wasn't the type to immediately begin thinking marriage after one successful kiss. She shook her head to try to clear it. Maybe Whit's particular brand of eagerness was rubbing off on her. Next thing she knew, she'd be doodling "Julia Fletcher" all over her trapper keeper.

When her cell phone buzzed, she glanced around surreptitiously before sliding the drawer in which she had hidden it open in a covert move. She was disappointed to discover it was just her sister, asking"Q tal buzoncita?" Julia closed the drawer in disappointment, although the nickname--affectionate but pejorative--strengthened her resolve to find a match for Whit.

Besides, Whit couldn't be upset that she wouldn't date him if she made him a match with someone else, someone even better suited for him, could he? Even she had to admit that he probably deserved better than a human answering machine with a mountain of college loans from a marketing degree she wasn't even using.

With newfound determination, she took out her phone and furtively tapped out a text message to Whit, erasing it several times before settling on a benign, "I'm sorry I upset you."

His response was almost immediate. "That's all right, I understand," followed by a, "If this is what you want, then let me know next steps."

Of course he would be the kind of guy to forgive quickly. She didn't let herself think twice before replying, "Thanks. Can we meet to discuss details?"

Once the details of the meeting were set--they would use the Noble Matchmaking conference room at lunch--Julia put her cell phone away with a long breath. It would all work out after all.

At the sound of a door opening, Julia glanced up to see Riley--perfect, punctual Riley Brennan--walking in the front door nearly two hours late. The matchmaker was nearly unrecognizable, her blond hair scraped back into a messy bun and her face bare of makeup. Her hazel eyes were puffy and rimmed with red but she met Julia's gaze frankly.

Julia stared in shock as Riley approached the reception desk. "Can we talk?" Riley asked, her voice was husky and low.

"Of course," Julia said automatically. Her earlier animosity towards the other woman was quickly changing into pity; perfect, professional Riley Brennan looked like hell. "I get a break in a couple of minutes, I'll swing by."

Riley nodded and headed toward her office, her normally long stride stilted. When Julia walked in several minutes later, Riley's attempt at a polite smile crumbled and tears welled in her eyes. "Trevor and I broke up last night," she said on a sob, and Julia hurriedly closed the door behind her so Veronica wouldn't overhear.

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