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"Niall, could you please-," I start, staring at Harry and Niall nearly dry humping on the couch. They both look at me with wide eyes.

Harry opens then closes his mouth, looking for words to explain this...event. We all exchange a few looks before I slowly back out of the living room.

I decide to check my dm's, seeing as I have nothing to do these days.

tommoboyxox: Hello!

tommoboyxox: You there?

tommoboyxox: I'm sorry I sound like a clingy girlfriend.

tommoboyxox: I mean I would love to be your girlfriend

tommoboyxox: Well boyfriend...

tommoboyxox: Since I am a boy,

tommoboyxox: Wow I have been talking nonsense for like a long time now.

tommoboyxox: Except for the part where I'm not actually talking to you...

tommoboyxox: You now what?

tommoboyxox: I am going to stop now.

tommoboyxox: Yep.

tommoboyxox: Well sorry 'bout that.

tommoboyxox: :)

liambbyxx: Oh Louis

liambbyxx: :)

"Liam! Can you get the remote?" Niall yells from across the house. I sigh, knowing if I don't do it he will bug me about it no stop all day.

I walk into the living room and see Harry and Niall cuddled up under the big blue blanket.

"You two are adorable." I sigh, giving the remote to Niall.

A few minutes pass and Niall starts to poke me. "Yes Niall?"

"Zayn wanted me to tell you this." I look at him with expecting eyes. "Your gayness is showing."

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