(Treahnap. o. v) Whenhesaiddiggy was jahnizaboyfriendIwasshocked. Me: smhshemustnotknowwhatshegotherself into Prince: Lol. Milla: mommy r u going to still do my hair Me: yes baby Today Car'milla and journey r going to spend time with chres and the new big brother
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when if finished with getting Car'milla dressed this is what she looked like. Now that she's dress it time to dress journey. I dressed her in this.
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after I dressed them it was 1 o'clock. Chres should be here in 30 minutes *15 minuteslater* Therewasaknockatthedoorchresmustofcameearly. Iopenedthedoortoseechresstandingtherewiththelittleboyfromtheotherday Chres: heyTreahna*smilesather* Me: letmegogetthekids Iwalked downstairs and put journeyinhercar seatthenwenttoMillaroom Me: Millayourdaddy'shere Milla: yay!!! *runsupstairs* Me: slowdown*walksupstairswithjourney* (Millap. o. v) Iranupstairsandseenmydaddy Me: DADDY!!! *runsintohisarms* Daddy: MILLA*picksherup* umisseddaddy? Me: yes Daddy: Imissedutoobaby Mommy: *smiles* ThenInoticeaboystandingbythedoor. Me: daddywho'sthat *pointstothelittle boy* Daddy: that'syourbigbrotherromelo. ComeoverhereMelo. *putsMilladown* MelothisisyourlittlesisterCar'millaand journey. Me: hi. Melo: hi Daddy: Ibringthembacknextweekokay (theyrgoingtotradeoffweektoweekevenNicole ) Mommy: ok*kissesjourneyandMillahead* begood Me: ok (Tinap. o. v) Me: augustIfiguredoutwhatIwanttonamethebaby. Aug: okwhat Me: Jocelyn La'Shae Alsina Aug: ok I like it Me: ok Maurice: mommy mommy Me: yes baby Maurice: I need help tying my shoes Me: okay come here *tiesjaylonshoes* Maurice: mommyyourstomachgettingbig Aug: causeyourmommybeeneatinga lotoffood Me: yep Maurice: ohmommyIwanttoseettlivyandmyboomtoday Me: okletmecallthem IcalledTreahnafirst *phoneconvo* Tre: hello Me: wydtoday Tre: nunreallychrestookthegirls Me: soukidfree? Tre: yep Me: youshouldgofindyouaboyfriend. Tre: whosaidIwantone. Me: Treahnaverysinceuandchresbrokeupubeenlonely Tre: meandchrescan'tjustbreakuplikethat Me: whatchu mean Tre: rememberwheremarried. SoifIwentouttofinda "boyfriend" thatwouldbecheatingcausemeandhimrstillmarried. Me: Treahnasowhatifthat'scheating. HecheatedonyourtooandhegotthebitchpregnantTreahna Tre: ik....I ......Ijustdon'twantoneritenow Me: okw.eMauricewantstoseehisboom Tre: okjustcomeover Me: okwebethere Tre: ok. (Livyp. o. v) I'matmymomhousewithomarionvisiting Me: heymomma *hugs her* (LM=Livy'smomsameasRM=rocsmom) Lm: heybaby*hugsher back* heyomarion*pickshim up* Omari: grandma Lm: yesbaby Omari: whathappenedtograndpa Lm: livyuhaven'ttookhimtoseeyourfather Me: no Lm: ynot Me: meanddaddyain'ton goodtermsmomma Lm: ynot Me: I'lltellulater Seemeandmyfatherdon'treallygetalonglikethatcauseonedaymeandhimgotinabigargumentandhesmackedmereallyhardbasicallyfornoreason and evensincethenmeandhimhaven'ttalkedIdon'teventhinkchrestalkstohim. (Chresp. o. v) Itsjustmeandthekidsatthehouse Milla: daddyI'mbored Melo: metoo Me: okhowboutwegogetsomeicecream Milla&Melo: YAY!!! Itookthekidsoutforice cream thentochuckEcheesetowearthemoutsowhenwegothometheywentstraighttobed. Icleanedthehouse a littlethenIwalkedupstairstomybedroomandlaidthereandthoughtaboutTreahnaIreallyreallydomissher. IwishedI never cheated onherbutIguessnowI'lljusthavetotrymybestandgethertoforgiveme