Failure My Savior

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I returned in the same dull room I once left. There, were my friends. Including Jeff; who looked like a living corpse.
"You're back." Jane said, uneasy.
"Back, but you also failed." Kate growled
"And we saw the whole thing." BEN says while giving me frown.
"We're not mad because Sharon confessed. I mean- you made things clear that you don't love her. But we're upset at the fact you failed the test." Jane mumbled as she looked down at her feet.
"I wasn't going to kill my bestfriend. I wasn't going to kill the only person who knew I existed! I'm not some monster!" I yell, frustrated with the three.
"Are you saying we're monsters?! Well?! Are you!?" Kate said marching up to me.
"No! You're not monsters! You're- you're still people! People with hearts! People's whose hearts have been coated in black and locked away! You killed for power because you're cowards! You're all scared and need to be controlled- because you feel as if you'll go mad if you're not! You guys- you killed the only people you loved left, because you think you have no choice! You do! You have choices! Decisions to make- why do you think I chose to fail!" I yell getting all up in her face. She backs down.
"Ann, take Jeffery away. He doesn't need to see her execution, much less kill her himself." Slender said softly.
"N-no.." Jeff cried. We all looked up- his eyes were filled with pain. Ann pulled out a needle and injected him again.
"I-I don't want to leave her-!" He moans.
"Jeff- remember the plan." BEN said nodding.
"What plan?" Slender man stepped in.
"It's none of your concern- Slender.." Jeff coughs up.
"All you need to know is (Y/N) won't die- I won't die- she's my best friend!" He starts moving out his wheelchair.
"Jeff, sit down!" Ann says.
"No-! (Y/N)! Don't leave me!!" He continues to sob. I walk up to his fragile body and touch his cheek.
"Jeff, I'm sorry. I've never been good at keeping my word.. But look at it this way- you can live. Live for me- it's going to be fine." I wipe the tears falling from his face.
"N-no-! (Y/N)! PLEASE NO-!"
"Don't make this harder than it already is Jeff!" I scream through my shaky voice.
"Goodbye.." I whisper.
I move away and nod at Ann. She smiles sympathetically and pushes Jeffery out the room. I could hear his screams and wails through the walls- this is the last time I'll ever see him.

I turn to Slender man.
"I'm ready." He nods and tells me to meet me outside, behind the mansion in the dark corridor. He leaves and now it's just me, Jane, Kate and BEN.
"You're a good person (Y/N). It wasn't your fault you didn't complete the mission. Your heart isn't evil. Not like us. No- you're 100% good." Kate said smiling. I haven't seen that smile. It looked so genuine and pure.
"The times we've had together- I'll never forget." Jane says sniffling and slowly, she takes off her mask.
"I just want to see you with my own two eyes.. I'll miss you." She's hugs me tightly, crying.
"(Y/N), this plan I have can go both ways. If it fails- then you will truly die. But.. If it works. There may be a happy ending after all." BEN says smiling.
"What ever it is, I trust you." I respond and hug him.
"Don't forget to tell the others, that I love them." I continue.
"We won't. Don't worry!" Jane smiles, trying to catch her shallow breaths.
"Well.." I walk towards the doors.
"This is goodbye." I look back and smile. I'll never forget their faces.
"Goodbye (Y/N).." The three say. Their voices sound heartbroken...either way. It's time. I open the doors, and shut them behind me.

As I walk to the back corridor, I see Slender, Ann, and Mr.Creepypasta.
"I come to every execution. It's a shame to see such a valuable member in training leave." Mr.Creepypasta says. This time, he seems more serious about matters. He's not as silly as when I first met him.
"You've done good (Y/N). There is no doubt in my mind we'll miss you." Slender man says.
"Jeffery is doing fine. Would you like me to say anything to him once I attend to his wounds after this?" Ann asks.
"Just say.. Thank you." I smile. Ann does too. She seems more human now that I got to know her. The hate inside me is gone.
"I know this may seem weird, child, but the execution is beheading. We keep the heads of every child whose tried but failed to be a Creepypasta. It's almost like a
memory of them." Slender says.
"It's fine.. Doesn't matter to me."
"Excellent. Then we shall start." Mr.Creepypasta says. He pulls out a long chair- kind of like the ones you'd see if you were at a dentists office. I lay down on the medical chair and prepare for my death.
"Usually the mentor does the beheading.. But obviously we can not allow that. So, Mr.Creepypasta shall do the honors." Ann says.
I can see the king grab an ax that has dried blood.
"We'll miss you child." Slender man says.
"I'll miss you all too." I say softly; trying not to cry.
"Any last words?" Ann asks. I think for a second..
"Never more shall I live in despair, for my gratitude has been granted upon you all. I wish you best of luck, my reign shall live on in the hearts of this land, I'll miss you." I whisper.
"You're too good (Y/N). No way someone so pure can live with us." Ann said holding back tears. I smiled. I've left my mark on the souls of my fellow friends. That's the greatest wish of all.
Mr.Creepypasta raised his ax- my last thoughts will be of Jeff. My friend. My soulmate. Oh how my love for him will remain in his heart.
He swung down- coming at my neck- I closed my eyes.

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