Band Aid

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Y/n: *calls mom*

💞Craig's Prov💞

I'm so in love wit y/n. She means the world to me...... I'll do anything for her. But I do feel bad, I dnt want her to get in trouble cuz of me, I gotta do sum... I gotta make it up to her.

💞End of Prov💞

Y/n: Ok, bye mom. *hangs up*

Craig: so wat do u wanna do?

Y/n: We need to do something, cuz I can't keep sneaking, I feel soo guilty😔

Craig: We need to talk to both of them

Y/n: Both to who?

Craig: Our parents

Y/n: But my moms already mad....

Craig: But she doesn't no me, maybe if we met, I can show her How much I care for u

Y/n: Well wen?

Craig: Idk, wenever! We just need to talk

Y/n: ok, but how am I gonna explain me missing the bus n with u?

Craig: Wen she picks u up I'll explain everything.

Y/n: U sure, cuz my mom got alot of sides n her ghetto sides is gonna come after u!

Craig: 😂ok then back me up.

Y/n: I got'chu

*🚕💨Car pools up🚕💨*

Craig: U ready? *holds yr hands*

Y/n: *looks at yr hands n grins* lets do this.*full smiles*

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