3. Letters to Marco

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My Valentine, 
I managed to get on a plane and I am getting closer and closer to you which makes me excited to know that I will see you very soon.

I don't regret running away for I know why i am doing it and that makes me happy.

I want to be there on your birthday which is a day from now which means I should arrive just in time. I hope I don't surprise you too much.

Do you still love me?
Do you miss me?
Will you kiss me again when I see you?

I can't stop the million questions that i want to ask you from bursting out. I can't wait to have long talks with you  again I have missed those. They made me feel safe and loved something I want to feel again.

Being with my parents makes me feel lonely and trapped as I am not aloud out most of the time which is also why I have ran away.

Maybe I should write to my parents after I get of the plane or after I have settled in with you. I know they must worry about me and they at least deserve to know that I am ok.

I will not include where I am when I write to them as I know they will find me and probably forbid me from seeing you again.
I will die if that happens.

2 hours left until I see you.

Stolen kisses
Your Valentine x

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