Chapter One

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Chapter One



Sorry for any grammar mistakes, if there's any.


Kamryn's POV

"That party was amazing. One of the best I have ever been to in my life!" Ashlynn gushed to me as we were sitting at lunch.

I was partially listening to whatever the hell she was saying. She kept going on and on about the party we went to a few weeks back. When she says that it was the best party in her life she meant it. That girl has been going to parties sense she could walk. The only thing different about this one is the fact that she meet her boyfriend, Louis, there. She thinks Louis is her true love. I think he's just a regular high school crush. Not like it will last.

Louis is in his Senior year and Ashlynn and I are in our Junior year. He will graduate this year and go off to college. Who knows where the hell he's going. He could go to college in America for all she knows. So yeah, there's my best friend Ashlynn, fangirling over a party that wasn't even all that. I actually hated it.


"Come on Kam, the party is starting soon!" Ashlynn yelled to me from the hallway. I ignored her over exaggerated comment and continued to gaze at myself in the mirror.

It's not something I do often, but today was different. The outfit was tighter, cuter, and smaller, than what I usually wore. The tight black cloth fit the curves I had just right, but showed way too much for my taste. It stopped mid thigh and showed more cleavage than needed. My hair was curled to perfection, and I had a light layer of makeup on. Normally I had on some jeans and a t-shirt, my hair was always done, but it looked better today. Another major change from my usual attire was the heels. Funny how it almost sounds like hell. Well, to me they are. I sighed when Ashlynn pounded her fist on the bathroom door. The door knob twisted in my hand and out I went. Her face was in shock.

"You look so hot!" She squealed. I flinched at the sound of her voice. I hate when people squeal. "I feel like a hooker, it's a party, not a strip club." I argued.

After more arguing for who knows how long, we finally made it out to the party with me still in the trashy outfit.

Music. It's my life. I love it and listen to it everyday. The music that was blasting from the speakers now was awesome. The only problem was how loud it was. It pounds through my skull, the floor, and shakes the windows.It was splitting my ears.

People drank and dance not even caring about how loud the music was. Not like they could even remember their names. They were probably too wasted to do anything. This party seriously sucked. All I wanted to do was go home. I walked threw the house in search of Ashlynn. I found nothing but sweaty bodies rubbing up against each other. Finally I spotted her with a guy who had light brown hair that was styled upward in a cute, messy sorta way. Ashlynn looked drunk as hell, she was giggling at a wall and trying to hug it. The guy looked towards me when I walked up to them after I called Ashlynn's name.

"I'm guessing your Kamryn?" He shouted over the music. Man was he cute, almost like he was just perfect.
And his eyes. Damn his eyes were the prettiest blue in the world.

"How'd you know?" I asked while prying a drunk Ashlynn off the wall. "She was rambling about her best friend earlier, she started to tell me weird things." He laughed. I nodded my head.

"Yeah well she loves to gossip, and talk, a lot," I paused. This is an awkward conversation. "Thanks for looking out for her." He nodded his head and smiled.

Ashlynn and I left shortly after. I drove back to my house. Her parents would flip if they found out that their 'perfect little angel' was wasted to no end.I dragged her into the house and dropped her on the couch. My mom wasn't home, something about going to her boyfriends house and to not wait up. I don't even want to think about what is happening there.


"Kam, Kam." Who the hell is calling me? "Kamryn!" Someone yelled causing me to jump and almost fall out of my seat. I looked across the table, it was just Ashlynn.

"Sorry." I said after regaining some of my senses. Ashlynn waved it off. "It's fine, just stop zoning out." I nodded. "What were you talking about?" I sat up straighter. "The party this weekend." she sighed.

She acted like I was supposed to know all these things. She's the popular one. Not that I'm not, I'm not a loner either. I hang out with the most popular couple in school, and this guy Harry. He's popular and never leaves me alone, he flirts way to much for my liking. My other best friend is Niall, he's quite popular... with the nerds. He's hot, trust me, but he's really smart. People can't get past that, he's a really nice guy. But I'm not one for parties.

Who's the most popular couple you may ask? If you guessed Ashlynn and Louis then you are correct. Louis Tomlinson and Ashlynn Paxton. Ashlynn's my best friend. Louis, we both knew him but never talked. Until a few weeks ago. That party, they started to hang out and then next thing you know, every five seconds they attacked each others faces till no end. It was really gross sense I was with them most of the time.

"I don't want to go." I said popping a fry in my mouth. "Oh come on, you have to for me!!" She exclaimed. "No, I'm just going to stay home or hang out with Niall. Maybe next time." Or not. She sighed and turned to Louis. "You'll come right babe?" He didn't answer, he was staring at something behind me, or at me.

"You okay Lou?" Ashlynn asked putting her hand on his shoulder. He jumped a little at her touch and averted his eyes to her. "I'm fine babe." He smiled.



I hope you like the first chapter. I'm sorry if it's too short for you liking.


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