Chapter Three

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Kamryn's POV

Ashlynn and I were at lunch again. This time she wasn't gushing about .how great a high school party is. This time I was blabbering on about what happened last night.

"He just got up, did a mini speech and then bam! Next thing you know he was on his knee proposing!" I exclaimed.

I looked over at Ashlynn. She was looking down under the table. She was texting...

"You know, when you try to hide the fact that your using your phone, try turning down the brightness of it first." I sighed.

It took her a while, but finally she looked up from the mind controlling device. She look at. "What?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes at her and got up to throw my trash away. When I sat back down at the table her phone was on the table. "What were you saying?" She asked. Really? Really? I spent basically the whole lunch bell, by the way, we only have five minutes left, telling her about how Alex proposed to my mom!

"Never mind, it wast really important." I sighed. "Who were you texting?" I asked. I wanted to know who was more important than me.

A huge grin came across her face. "Louis!" She exclaimed. "He's home sick, so I texted him to see how he was doing." She continued. I nodded my head not really interested.

"Hello gorgeous." A husky voice said to me. Harry put his arm around my shoulder. I rolled my eyes yet again today.

"The one day I thought you weren't going to bother me." I muttered to myself.

"I prefer to call it shameless flirting, 24/7." He smirked.

Everyone. Meet Harry Styles. He flirts a lot. But, manly on me. Never, and I mean never, have I ever seen him flirt with another girl the way he flirts with me. Whenever I ask him he replies with the same thing every time. "I'm waiting for you to love me like I love you."

"Really? Tell me Harry," I turned my body to fully face him. "Do you have an unhealthy obsession with me?" I had a serious look on my face. He studied me for a minute. He turned to Ash and talked to her instead.

"How are things Ashlynn?" He questioned.

Ashlynn smiled. "Good. What about you?"

"Same, now that I'm here with Kamryn." He smirked pulling me closer into his side. I made a disgusted look. I hated being this close to him.

Ashlynn and Harry sat there for the last five minutes of lunch talking. His arm was still wrapped around me shoulders casually.

Haley walked by the table with her group of friends. Haley was the typical head cheerleader. She hated anyone who talked to hot guys she wants and is just so annoying and slutty. She glared at me as she walked by. Her friends whispered to each other while glancing at me.

Haley has always hated me, just because Harry is always flirting with me. She never really bothered me in any sort of way. Glaring at me from a distance was more her thing.

The bell rung and I shrugged Harry's arm off my shoulders. I grabbed my bag and hurried off to class. I didn't want to go to class that bad. Everyone was staring at me. Harry was always the center of attention. He could look like total shit and still be the most popular in the room.

I let out a sigh throwing my bag on the floor. I was the only one in here besides the teacher. This class is by far my least favorite class ever. Chemistry. I have to mix stuff and risk harming my self. What if my idiot class mates don't mix it right? It could cause an explosion for all I know. Soon the bell rang and students came flooding in.



I know. Short again. But I have plans. Don't doubt me. Or judge me.


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