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I liked when he would hit me.

It gave me this release of pain that I couldn't give myself. I would pick a fight with him just to piss him off enough to take a swing. He almost always followed through.

I needed the pain to be reminded that I'm still human. It gave me a sense of gravity in that moment. I liked feeling my defense walls down. And each and every hit made me stronger.

I could take a punch from him like a UFC fighter.

So as I grabbed his keys and bolted out of the motel room towards his car, I had a smile on my face knowing how angry I was going to make him. 

"Grey! Get back here, you bitch!" Marco screamed, as he tore off through the doorway after me. I slowed my pace a little, so he could catch up. 

I wanted him to catch me.

Just as I reached the door of his car, I felt his hand form a fist around my hair. He yanked me backwards, sending a searing pain through my scalp. I hissed at the burn, and attempted to hold his fist to my head to ease the pulling of my hair. 

He pushed me to the side, knocking me face down into the gravel parking lot.

As I slowly began to pick my aching body up off of the ground, I felt him rip his car keys from my grip.

"Is that the best you got, Marco?" I turned over onto my back and spit out the dirt that had gotten into my mouth when I fell.

He just smirked as he towered above me, obviously feeling powerful.

"No, this is." He reared his fist back and punched me square in the mouth. My vision went fuzzy and my ears were ringing, but I could still hear him starting his car and driving off. Leaving me there, in a motel parking lot...

The warm, metallic taste of blood filled my mouth and some sputtered out, dripping down my chin.

I ran a hand through my sore scalp, and I smirk spread across my bloody lips.

"Nothing like a good fight to wake you up in the morning..."

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