Our last speaking moment

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A/N this is all written from Dustins' POV

I woke up to the usual sound of silence. My heart is beating from the only thought in my mind. Today is the day I will be proposing to the love of my life. I turned on my back and stared at the ceiling of my dark and empty room. "Five years" I say out loud referring to the amount of time I've been with my one and only Avery. A big grin appears on my face. She had made me the happiest man on Earth and I could not find any better of a way to show my love to her then by proposing. The other day I had went to her mom to ask for her permission in marrying her daughter. Now normally you would ask the father but the thing is, her father had passed a few years back. He served in the force and was missing in action. Her mom gave me her own ring from when she was proposed to and had told me to use this. It was a beautiful rose gold ring with a bug diamond sparkling, reflecting every beam of light that hits it. It was beautiful and I couldn't help but tear up looking at it.

After about a good hour just lying there I decided it was probably time to get up. I went over to the bathroom across the hall of my apartment and took a quick room at myself in the mirror before starting to walk off. I only found my self walking back. As my blurry eyes adjusted to the light I had screamed in pure terror. "I look awful" I said and I meant it. I look like Freddy Krueger! A hot Freddy Krueger... But that still didn't take away the fact that I was a disgrace to look at. At this point I just decided to skip put on breakfast and spend all my time today trying to look at least decent. in the middle of all this fiasco I realized I haven't even called Avery yet. "Crap" I sing in the middle of my shower, emphasizing every singing letter. I quickly finished and ran to my phone.

*three rings later*
"Yes that's my name, lets not wear it out" she giggles
"Oh yea, sorry sorry! Hey listen I was wondering do you have any plans for tonight"
"Ok one second let me check my schedule"
"Uh huh, I see..... Nope, nada, all free"
"Great! I was wondering, can we go out to dinner tonight?"
"We've been dating for five year, why you so nervous? This is standard procedure at this point" she laughs " yea no problem"
"8:00 sound good"
* breathing starts to pick up through the phone*
"uh, yea 8:00 is perfect. Got to go now, I'll see you then babe"
She quickly hangs up the phone
"I will see you then"
Well that was odd, but I let it slide. I'll just question her later, but right now I just need to get everything prepared.

At this point, I can't run any later. I was suppose to leave a half hour ago. Out of pure panic I run as fast as I can to my car only to figure out I forgot my key all the way in my apartment. "Damn it" I sprint up even faster that I ran down to my car. On the way the key just fell out of no where. "Dustin, you dropped these while you were running to get to where ever the heck your going. I thought I be nice this once and save you the trouble of running back here" " yup you sure did save me that trouble" I sate sarcastically. "Watch your tone with me boy or I'll toss them off the balcony" "Sorry sir,I'm just in quite a hurry" "well then what are you waiting for, get the darn key" I took the key and ran all the way back to my car. This task just wasted 15 minutes alone. I sped off as fast as I could without getting arrested and soon arrived to Avery's house. I took a big deep breathe and stepped out of my car.

As I reached the front door with a it bouquet of roses and tulips in my hand I shakingly reached for the door bell. As the pressed he door bell it shocked me. I thought it would only happen once for I had reached for it once more to only get shocked again but this time ten times worse. "She's probably just prancing me. But jokes in her... I have a hand to knock you know". As I said I did, I knocked in the door. I waited about five minutes. I knocked on it again but this time even harder. Still no answer. " This is not funny" I screamed. "We are already late, we don't have time for this nonsense." I gave up at this point and went to the garage. It was open... She never keeps it open and if she does she puts an unbelievable amount of locks in the door. I reached for the door to get into the house from the garage. As I opened the door there was blood drippings on the floor. This was when I started to freak. It was like a path that was asking my to follow. So I did. It lead around the kitchen and up the stairs. "Avery!" I called. "Avery this is not one bit funny!" I was waiting for her to pop out at me any moment now. I continued to follow the blood trail to only noticed it became heavier as I moved along. It had lead to observatory, the room we spent every night watching the stars. I slowly opened the door to the dark room to hear a thump. The door had hit something. As I looked around I saw I sight I will never forget. The love of my life all covered in blood, lying dead on the floor.

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