
24 1 1

Feb.13th, 2016

After a long day of competing in Atlanta my parents wanted to go to the pool at my hotel. I didn't really want to go at first but then I changed my mind. When we got there, there were these kids screaming or whatever. But then later on I was doing what usually do, listening to music. When I stood up a girl that was in the gym area with a boy told me to come in there. So I walk in there to see what she wanted. When I went in there she asked me if I was there for the cheer competition. I told her I was, then she ask me where I cheered and what level I was on. I answered all of her questions.
So the guy that was with her end up getting my Twitter and number so me and him could keep in touch scene he lives all the way in Cali. The guys named was Gio. But me and him started texting or whatever. We became  close.
     After a couple days I realized I had a lot of feels for him. As time went by I started crying because of how much I liked him and know in my head that me and him would never happen. But the reason that it would never happen is because he is gay. I even told him I wish he wasn't.
     I've tried giving him hints that I like him but I don't think he even realizes.😭😭😭

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